Creating a Coaching Session With an Individual

Schoox allows for coaching sessions with team members at a set cadence or as needed. This provides managers the ability to track their team members' strengths and areas of opportunity, ensuring they continue to grow even after training is complete.

Creating Sessions is done on an individual basis as Coaching is not meant to be done in a group environment.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Team Workspace.

When in the Team Workspace, select Coaching and then select Create Sessions.

On the page that appears, you will see everything that is in process or created, as well as filters and sorting options. There will also be a Create Session button that will allow you to setup a session with an individual.

Session Scheduling

When choosing to add a session, you can add it by coachee or by date. Once you've determined your preference, select to Add Session.

Session Settings

Below is a general setup for the available settings and descriptions for each.

Once you have your individual selected, you will have to make a series of choices before you can save your session.

Duration - How long should the session last? The options range from 15-120 minutes by 15 minute increments.

Select Date - When selecting the date, it can be the current or future date. You cannot create past coaching sessions.
Select Time - The time selection can be for any present (select "Now") or future time as desired.

Recurring Sessions

If you choose to set a Recurring Session, a new menu will appear.

Here, you can select the cadence of the sessions, when it ends or after how many occurrences. This allows for sessions and check-ins to happen as frequent or as many times as needed.

If weekly is selected, Schoox will ask which day of the week would you like this to occur each week.

If you select Monthly, based on the selected date of the first session (Day of the month and of the week) it will ask if you wish it to be the same date each of the following months or the same day/week (e.g. third Thursday of each month) of the upcoming months..

Settings Continued

Topic - Selecting a Topic allows for you to determine which pool of forms to choose from, ensuring it is covering the correct area.

Form - Once the Topic has been chosen, the list of forms will populating allowing for the selection of the desired forms. Note: If no Topic is selected, a 'No Data" will show up as the result. You have to choose a Topic first.

Description - Providing a description might help to provide information about this session, but it is not required.

Location - This is a mandatory field requiring an address to be entered in connection with where this session took place. This could be an office, or a customer location, possibly even a select warehouse, etc.

Users can Review and Rate the Session - This opens the option for feedback from the coach, the coachee, or both.


Make sure to save the session when finished.


Related Articles

Setting Up Coaching and Giving Permissions

Managing Coaching Targets

Creating a Coaching Form

Performing a Coaching Session


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