Understanding Your Academy's Organizational Structure

In Schoox you can utilize the structure of your organization to precisely assign material, communicate, run reports, and even define permissions.

For example, you can create an assignment rule that will automatically assign a course only to the employees that oversee Alberta in general and to those who work in the Alberta store.


Every organization is set up differently and has unique needs when it comes to assigning, communicating, and reporting.

The Organization Structure setup process, in a nutshell, comes down to this: take the elements that define your organization - like location, department, franchisee, or title, and align them with those used in Schoox - Job, Unit, and Above Unit.



A unit is the smallest organizational structure made up of employees. Units may represent locations, stores, or business units.


Above Units

An above-unit is a clustering of employees that is larger than a unit, and are organized by defined above unit types. An above-unit can either refer to an actual location, e.g. a state or country, or to virtual groupings, such as an arbitrary grouping of units into a single above-unit. Above-units may represent areas, organizations, or people connected to units.



Jobs are the different roles individuals have anywhere in the hierarchy. Jobs may exist throughout an academy, but not necessarily. They do, however, need to be associated with a specific unit or above-unit. An individual can have multiple jobs at multiple different above-units or units.



These elements can be associated with or connected to each other in any manner needed, solely based on your organization’s needs.

Moreover, Above Units can be set up with hierarchical parent-child relationships.

Your organization's various jobs or roles will most likely be represented one-to-one in Schoox as jobs. 

In addition, there will also be a number of non-editable management jobs added that are directly associated with Units and Above Units - for example, a Unit Manager may oversee all of that type of unit, or a Head of Region may oversee a particular region.


Any and all of these elements can then be used in rules or filters when, say,  assigning or reporting.

This video provides some examples of how real-life organizations have used these elements to set up their organizational structures.


With all this in mind, sketch out how your organization is already structured around communication, reporting, and permissions. When ready, check out this article and start setting up your academy's organizational structure.

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