Managing Coaching Targets

When you begin leveraging Coaching, a target might be helpful in achieving specific Coaching goals. Within Schoox, you have the ability to setup different targets for different Coaches or more massively for all Coaches within one or multiple org structures.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Academy Workspace.

When in the Academy Workspace, select Development Admin for all Development Administration options. 

Select Coaching and then select Targets.


Once you're within the Targets Menu you will have the option to view existing Targets, broken down by Recurring and Nonrecurring options. You can Manage, View the Timeline or simply Report on any existing Targets. For now, we will select +New Target.

Creating a New Target

Each Target can be specific based on the organization or the needs for that particular group of Coaches. Looking at the Target options, we have choices to make around how this Target should be attained.

Title - It is mandatory to have a title for the Target, so having a easily identifiable name will help to signify the target at a glance.

Description - This is an optional field that can provide more detail to the Target information.

Rules/Conditions - This will allow multiple rules to be created based on the audience. The rule can include a set number of sessions in connection with specific Topics.

Target Period

The time frame this Target needs to fall within, is the Target Period. There are two types of Periods: Nonrecurring and Recurring.

Each Target has a Start and End date, but with the Recurring option, this can be after a set number of occurrences or it may be a perpetual Target.

Selecting Coaches

When selecting who this will apply to, you can select individual Coaches or entire org units of Coaches.

If you choose to do this individually, select the plus and click Save. If you wish do this more massively, select Advanced. When selecting the org entities and jobs this will affect, you will ONLY see jobs that have the Coach Permission under the job permissions.

Complex rules can be created, but make sure you have the correct permissions attached to the desired jobs.

Related Articles

Setting Up Coaching and Giving Permissions

Creating a Coaching Form

Creating a Coaching Session With an Individual

Performing a Coaching Session

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