Academy Role Permissions

There are multiple roles that academy members can have. The following is a table that can be used as a quick overview of the permissions per role.


Permissions* Super Admin**
Admin Training Manager Content Manager Comments
Reporting x x x x  
Manage Members  x x - -  
-Add / Remove Units x x - -  
-Deactivate a user x x - -  
-Edit Jobs x x - -  
-Edit User x x - -  
--Change User Password x x - -  
--Edit a user's username x x - -  
--Edit a user's email x x - -  
Assign Training x x x -  
Assess Members' Performance x x - -  
Add Users x x - -  
Assess On the Job Training Performance x x - -  
Bulk On the Job Training Performance Assessment x x - -  
Share Content with Team x x * x * Training Manager may have this permission
Send Announcements x x * - * Training manager may send announcements for courses
Create Events x x x -  
Register Members to Events  x x x -  
-All events x x x -  
-Only to Events Created by This User - - - -  
Manage Event Members x x x -  
Create Private Course x x x -  
-Make a course public x x x -  
Create Private Learning Path x x x -  

-Make a learning path public

x x x -  
Create Private Group x x - -  
Business Impact x x - -  
Delete Exam Attempt x x - -  
Complete Training x x - -  
Bulk Complete Training  x x - -  
Override ILT Seats Limit x x x -  
Register Members to Events After The Registration Deadline x x x -  
Edit Exams Score x x - -  
View & Assign Goal x x x -  
View Wall Posts x x - -  
Post Updates to Wall x x - -  
Performance Review x x - -  
Purchase Courses x x - -  
Approve self-enrollment requests x x x -  
Upload Content x x * x * Training Manager may have access to upload content to replace an existing content file in categories where they've been granted write permissions
Manage Resources details x x * x * Training Manager may have access to manage content details
Manage Resources Categories x x - -  
-Categorize Resources Element x x * - * Training Manager may have access to categorize content where they've been granted write permissions
Update Course/Learning Path/Event x x x -  
Manage Course/Learning Path/Event Details x x x -  
Manage Course/Learning Path/Event Categories x x x -  
-Categorize Course/Learning Path/Event x x x -  


*Permissions on these roles are fixed and not configurable

**There can only be one super admin, which automatically gets assigned to the first admin in the system. The role of super admin transfers to next admin added if the user gets deactivated. If needed, our support team can help force this role on a specific user. "Orphaned" objects are automatically assigned to this admin)


Related Articles

Assigning Academy Roles

Understanding the Academy Super Admin

Manage Members Options

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