Report Builder: Available Reports

exclude fThe Report builder can be found in the Team Workspace.


All reports have some specific pre-selected fields but many other optional fields can be added to the reports as needed.

In addition, some reports give you the option to:

  • view data either for active or past employees,
  • set a date range,
  • include employees or external members, or both.

When using the filters, you can only search for one term at a time. It's not possible to use multiple search terms. E.g. if you add a field to filter on the user name, you can only filter for one specific name.

Type: Courses
Report Name Description Details
 Courses Report This report gives the ability to see all courses an Admin or Manager has access to, in a singular report.  Filtering select courses, fields (for example "past completions"), and org structure components are also options to customize this report.
 Courses Count Per Course Report This report provides Enrollments and Completions broken down by course.  
 Courses Count Per User Report This report provides Enrollments and Completions broken down by each user.  
 Courses Count Per Unit Report This report provides Enrollments and Completions broken down by each Unit in your academy.

The Completion % column shows what percent of all Course Enrollments are completed. 

The Average Completion Column shows the average Completion Rate of all Users in this Unit

 Courses Reviews Report If the academy is leveraging Course Reviews, this report will provide the user's information that did the review, what they rated the course, and if they provided a review.   
 Courses Steps Info Report This report provides the breakdown of the various course steps, the type of step, and whether or not it is visible can be seen.   
 Courses Due Date Report This report provides a high-level look at individual users, their current progress on their course enrollments/assignments, and as an option, the due date status.  
 Courses Exception Report This report provides a look at those that have 0% progress in the selected enrolled/assigned courses.  
 Courses Duration Report This report gives detail on how long the various steps types within the course take to complete, broken down by user.

Add the "Past Completions" field if you wish to include data on previous completions.

Check also this article.

 Users Steps Course Report This is a more detailed course report that focuses on the individual steps of a course and the progress made, broken down by individual users.  
 Courses Equivalent Report This report provides a list of courses and their equivalent courses.  
 Compliance Courses Count Per Unit Report This report provides an overview of a Unit and where it sits in regards to its overall compliance percentage.  
 Courses Count Per Above Unit Report This report provides course enrollments and completions broken down by each Above Unit in your academy.  
 Courses Compare Overview Per Unit Report This report provides a high-level view of the average completion rate, progress rate, time spent, and employee count for selected courses.  
 Courses Compare Detailed For Items Per Unit Report This report provides a high-level view of the average completion rate, progress rate, time spent, and employee count for selected courses by Unit.  
 Courses Compare Detailed For Jobs Per Unit Report This report provides a high-level view of the average completion rate, progress rate, time spent, and employee count for selected courses by job.  
 Courses All Time Report This report gives a high-level view of course enrollments and dropouts by user, enrollment date, and completion percentage.  
 Courses Steps All Completions Report This report gives a high-level view of course enrollments and dropouts by user, enrollment date, and completion percentage at the step level.  
 Courses Info Report This report provides details about courses, which categories they exist in, creation date, credit type, etc.  
 Courses Coupons Report This report gives an overview of the various course coupons within the academy for purchased courses, including coupon quota, price, codes, etc.  
 Courses Lectures Count Per Course Report This report shows a breakdown of lecture enrollments versus lecture completions by course.  
 Courses Lectures Count Per Unit Report This report shows a breakdown of lecture enrollments versus lecture completions by unit.  
 Courses Lectures Count Per Above Unit Report This report shows a breakdown of lecture enrollments versus lecture completions by above unit.  
 Courses Association Report This report provides a view of the association type (Part of Curriculum, Prerequisite, Equivalent) of courses, as well as course info for those selected courses.  
 Courses Not Enrolled Report This report provides an overview of all course dropouts/unassignments broken down by user and course. If both "Dropout" and "Unassigned" fields are "False", it means that the user was never enrolled in the relevant course.
 Courses Self-Enrollment Requests Report In this report, you will find all the users that requested a self-enrollment on a course. In the report options dropdown, only the courses with self-enrollment enabled are displayed. This report contains the fields Self-Enrollment Approval Status which has the values 'Approved / Pending / Rejected, Self-Enrollment Approval Created At (the date that self-enrollment enabled), and Self-Enrollment Approval Rule Creator fields (the user who enabled the self-enrollment).
 Courses Exclude Users From Assignment Rules Report This report contains the users who have been excluded from specific course(s), the associated rule(s), and when that action was performed. To see who performed that action, you need to add the field "Exclude Users Actor" to the report. This report shows only users that were actively excluded from the rule and does not include users that had the exclude checkbox checked during their unassign despite not being included in a rule
 Compliance Courses Count Per User Report This report provides a view of all the compliance stats for courses per user.  

Courses Limited Access Report

This report includes all Courses, and the Units that are restricted to access it.  
Type: Learning Path
Report Name Description Details
 Learning Paths Report This report gives the ability to see all Learning Paths an Admin or Manager has access to, in a singular report. The users that are currently enrolled appear in this report. Filtering select Learning Path, fields, and org structure components are also options to customize this report.
Learning Paths Count Per Learning Path Report This report provides Learning Path Enrollments and Completions broken down by Learning Path. You also have the option to select if it will include active and dropout employees or only current enrollments.
Learning Paths Count Per User Report This report provides Learning Path Enrollments and Completions broken down by each user. You also have the option to select if it will include active and dropout employees or only current enrollments.
Learning Path Count Per Unit Report This report provides Learning Path completion %, Curriculum Enrollments, and Completions broken down by each Unit in your academy.

You also have the option to select if it will include active and dropout employees or only current enrollments.

Learning Path Info Report This report provides a breakdown of a Learning Paths by course will be reported.   Many other optional fields such as Learning Paths Sections (field: "Section Name") can be added to this report.
Learning Path Due Date Report This report provides a high-level look at individual users, their current progress on their Learning Path enrollments/assignments, and as an option, the due date status. The extra fields that you can add to this report are the "Learning Paths Due Date" and the "Due Date Status".
Learning Path Exception Report This report provides a look at those that have 0% progress in the selected enrolled/assigned Learning Path.  
Learning Path Courses Users Info Report This report shows a detailed report of Learning Path and the progress individual users have made on the various courses within the assigned/enrolled Learning Path.  
Learning Path Sections Users Info Report This report provides a breakdown of Learning Path with Sections, by user, and shows the completion rate of each section within the various Learning Path. You can also see the courses that are included in each section (field: "Section Courses").
Learning Path Count Per Above Unit Report This report provides curricula Completion %, enrollments and completions broken down by each Above Unit in your academy. You also have the option to select if it will include active and dropout employees or only current enrollments.
Learning Path Compare Overview Per Unit Report This report provides a high-level view of the average completion rate, progress rate, time spent, and employee count (per unit) for selected Learning Path.  
Learning Path Compare Detailed For Items Per Unit Report This report provides a high-level view of the average completion rate, progress rate, time spent, and employee count per Learning Paths by Unit.  
Learning Path Compare Detailed For Jobs Per Unit Report This report provides a high-level view of the average completion rate, progress rate, time spent, and employee count for selected Learning Path by job and unit.  
Learning Path Not Enrolled Report This report provides an overview of all Learning Paths dropouts/unassignments broken down by user and Learning Paths. Users that were never enrolled in a Learning Paths are also included in this report.
Learning Path Self-Enrollment Requests Report In this report, you will find all the users that requested a self-enrollment on a Learning Paths. This report contains the fields Self-Enrollment Approval Status (which has the values: Approved / Pending / Rejected), Self-Enrollment Approval Created At, and Approval Status Changed At.

In the report options dropdown, only the Learning Path with self-enrollment enabled are displayed. 

Extra fields that can be also added are the Self-Enrollment Approval Rule Creator fields.

Learning Path Exclude Users From Assignment Rules Report

This report contains the users who have been excluded from specific Learning Path(s), the associated rule(s), and when that action was performed.

This report shows only the last action of users' (un)assignment in each curriculum. If users are reassigned and then unassigned again for a reason, the previous action (Curricula Exclude Users From Assignment Rules) will not be presented to the report in question.

To see who performed that action, you need to add the field "Exclude Users Actor" to the report.
Type: Events
Report Name Description Details
 In-Class Training Report This report gives an in-depth look at the various In-Class Training Events (In-Person Events) and who attended, was absent, instructors, dates and times, etc.  The report includes all types of events (stand-alone, course-connected, Learning Paths-connected)
 Live Sessions Report This report gives an in-depth look at the various Live Session Training Events (Virtual Events) and who attended, was absent, instructors, dates and times, etc.  The report includes all types of events (stand-alone, course-connected, Learning Paths-connected)
 In-Class Training Count Per Event Report This report provides a high-level view of In-Person Events, based on the event itself, rather than the employee. The report includes all types of events (stand-alone, course-connected, Learning Paths-connected)
 Live Sessions Count Per Event Report This report provides a high-level view of Virtual Events, based on the event itself, rather than the employee. The report includes all types of events (stand-alone, course-connected, Learning Paths-connected)
 In-Class Training Equivalent Report This report provides a list of In-Person Events and their equivalent In-Person Events.  
 Live Sessions Equivalent Report This report provides a list of Virtual Events and their equivalent Virtual Events.  
 Course In-Class Training Report This report gives an in-depth look at the various In-Class Training Events (In-Person Events) and who attended, was absent, instructors, dates and times, etc. within a course.  
 Course Live Sessions Report This report gives an in-depth look at the various Live Session Training Events (Virtual Events) and who attended, was absent, instructors, dates and times, etc. within a course.   
 All Events Count Per Event Report This report gives a high-level view of all events at an event level, rather than by user.  
 All Events Info Report This report gives a high-level overview of all events in the academy and basic details about those events such as title, start and end time/date, instructor, etc.  
 In-Class Training Unregistered Report This report includes unregistered users from the events and the date of the action of the un-registration.  
 Live Sessions Unregistered Report This report includes unregistered users from the events and the date of the action of the un-registration.  
Type: Academy
Report Name Description Details
 Members Report A general report that provides a wide variety of information about your academy members.

Many other optional fields can be added to this report to make it more customized. By using different fields each time, such as confirmed emails, user joined day, and last login, you can have a complete picture of different items of the users' accounts in the academy.

 Units Report This report provides a list of Unit Titles, their IDs, External IDs, and their IPs. By selecting the Above Unit types from the options dropdown, the report can be used to see if a unit is connected with an Above Unit and its type.
 Library Info Report This report provides details about Content Library items, which category they exist in, and who uploaded the item. Useful Extra fields that can be also added are the Element URL and Element Original URL. These two fields will provide you with the item’s URL in Schoox as well as the URL that is included inside the item.
 Credits Current Period Report This report provides an overview of the status of required credit totals based on the type and the various current rules for the academy. The report returns an overview per user and can be filtered per course/event etc. that is connected to. This is a current overview and not a macro overview.
 Enrollments By User Report This report shows enrollments (Assignments/Self-Enrollments) by user and details around progress in a course, assignor details, and exam details. There is no additional field that could be added to this report.
 Manual Assessments Report This report provides details about Metric Assessments completed by managers. The report provides details per skill.
 Credits All Time Report This report provides an overview of the status of required credit totals based on the type and the various rules for the academy.  The information provided is a macro view of all credits earned by the user.
 Permissions Report This report shows the current permissions for all jobs with an elevated level of visibility and which permissions are turned on/off for those jobs. The report returns permissions per job either for the default managerial or custom jobs.
 Above Units Report This report shows Above Unit details and which Units are connected to each Above Unit. By adding the Parent Above Unit Id or/and the Parent Above Unit Title fields the report returns the connection between the Parent and child Above Units.
 Onboardings Report This report provides a list of users by Onboarding Profile and which day/week they are currently at within that Onboarding. The report returns data only per onboarding profile. Only one profile can be selected per report.
 Users Permissions Report This report provides a look at each user's permissions, and which permissions are available to that user. The report returns the job that the permission is connected to.
 Mobile And Web Logins Report This report provides a high level of how many overall mobile/web logins as well as how many unique logins have occurred. The report does not provide data per user but an overview of the total logins.
 E-Signatures Report If using HelloSign, this report provides an overview of the signatures templates, signatures captured, and who signed off. The report returns results per user according to the selected templates.
 Library Views Report This report provides a count of the number of views a content library element receives, which category it exists in, and who viewed the element. The report returns how many times a member viewed an element and if you select the field Element URL you will receive the item's URL inside Schoox.
 Library Info Per Course Report This report shows an overview of content library elements and which course they are connected with. By adding the field Element Title As Lecture the report will return the exact title the library element has in the connected course.
 Wall Posts Report This report provides an overview of the posts on the wall, and the various stream (thread) details such as likes, comments, URL, text, etc. By adding the Post URL field you will receive the direct URL of the post.
 Reports Downloads Count Report This report provides details on the available reports in the academy, how many times they have been downloaded, who has visibility, who is the creator, etc. Many other optional fields can be added to this report to make it more customized, such as the Academy Report Description.
Type: Exams
Report Name Description Details
 Exams Best Attempts Report This report shows users' best attempts at exams, as well as each question, their response, and if they got the correct answer.  Other exam information is provided as well such as which course the exam is part of.
 Questions Pools Per Exam Report This report gives an overview of Exam Pool Questions, which exam they exist in, and several fields of information about each question.  
 Exams All Attempts Report This report provides a view by user, of all attempts that user has made at each exam.  This report is broken down by question.
 Questions Pools Report This report shows exam questions and details about which exam they are connected to, as well as details about the exam question itself.  
 Exams Report This report provides a high-level detail about the exam, attempts, pass rate, score, etc. by user. Shows exam attempts only for the user's current enrollment and not all attempts for all enrollments.  
 Exams Count Per Question Report This report provides high-level information for each exam question, how many times it was answered correctly/incorrectly, feedback, question type, etc.  
 Exams Compare Overview Per Unit Report This report provides a high-level overview of exam success rate, average score, and employee count, broken down by Unit.  
 Exams Compare Detailed For Items Per Unit Report This report provides a detailed overview of various exam success rates, average scores, and employee counts, broken down by Unit.  
 Exams Compare Detailed For Jobs Per Unit Report This report provides a detailed overview of various exam success rates, average scores, and employee count, broken down by job within a Unit.  
 Exams Best Attempts Per Course Report This report provides a detailed view of the best attempt, by user, of each exam, broken down by question, that includes success rate, question detail, etc. for each course.  
 Exams Best Attempts Per Learning Paths Report This report provides a detailed view of the best attempt, by user, of each exam, broken down by question, that includes success rate, question detail, etc. for each Learning Paths. This report includes also users that are no longer enrolled in the relevant Learning Paths.
 Exams All Attempts Per Course Report This report provides a detailed view of all attempts, by user, of each exam, broken down by question, that includes success rate, question detail, etc. for each course. Shows exam attempts only for the user's current enrollment and not all attempts for all enrollments.  
 Exams All Attempts Per Learning Paths Report This report provides a detailed view of all attempts, by user, of each exam, broken down by question, that includes success rate, question detail, etc. for each Learning Paths. Shows exam attempts only for the user's current enrollment and not all attempts for all enrollments. This report includes also users that are no longer enrolled in the relevant Learning Paths.
 Exams Per Course Report This report is broken down by user, showing each exam in a course, the user's score, passing scores, etc.  
 Exams Per Learning Paths Report This report is broken down by user, showing each exam in a course, the user's score, passing scores, etc., while also showing which Learning Path the course falls into. This report includes also users that are no longer enrolled in the relevant Learning Paths.
 Questions Per Exam Report This report gives the breakdown of questions by exam, extensive question details, and question pool information.  
 Exams Deleted Attempts Report This report shows an overview of all deleted exam attempts for the selected exams, and details about those exams as well as who deleted the attempt, answer information, etc.  
 Exams Consolidated Attempts Report This report provides a consolidated view of individual users on selected exams with details for exam titles, scores, attempts to pass, attempts, etc.  
Type: Goals
Report Name Description Details
 Goals Per Goal Report This report provides a detailed view of the users that are associated with goals. There are many more goals-related fields that can be used and are not pre-selected in this report. As an example, you can see who verified the Goal or when it was verified.
 Goals Per Pillar Report This report provides a detailed view of the users that are associated with goals that are connected to pillars. Records of goals that are not connected to pillars will not appear in this report.
 Goals Tasks Report This report allows managers and admins to see all the tasks associated with goals. There are many more goals-related fields that can be used and are not pre-selected in this report. As an example, you can see who verified the Goal or when it was verified.
Type: Polls
Report Name Description Details
 Polls Report This report shows each poll and each answer, as well as how many times each answer was selected and responded to.  
 Course Polls Report This report shows each poll and each answer, as well as how many times each answer was selected and responded to within a course.  
Learning Paths Polls Report This report shows each poll and each answer, as well as how many times each answer was selected and responded to within Learning Paths.  
 Event Polls Report This report shows each poll and each answer, as well as how many times each answer was selected and responded to within an event.  
 Group Polls Report This report shows each poll and each answer, as well as how many times each answer was selected and responded to within a group.  
 Polls Detailed Report This report provides questions and answers given to all polls as well as the date the poll was taken.  
Type: Gamification
Report Name Description Details
 Badges Report This report shows who received which badge, and how they received it, whether it was user awarded, course or Learning Paths awarded, etc.  For both active and deactivated employees and for all type of badges (course, academy, etc.)
 Badges Count Per User Report This is a high-level report showing the badges a user has acquired, and how many times they earned them. For both active and deactivated employees and for all type of badges (course, academy, etc.)
 Leaderboards Ranking Report This report provides a ranking and points total for each user by the various leaderboards. Please note that this report is only for the currently active users and it's necessary to select a specific Leaderboard to be able to export it
 Games Ranking Report This report provides a view of games, the users that are participating, which level, and how many points they are at. Please note that this report is only for the currently active users and it's necessary to select a specific Game to be able to export it
 Leaderboards Points Per Activity Report This report provides the number of points a user has gained for a specific activity and which leaderboard it is connected to. Please note that this report is only for the currently active users and it's necessary to select a specific Leaderboard to be able to export it
 Games Points Per Activity Report This report provides the number of points a user has gained for a specific activity and which game it is connected to. Please note that this report is only for the currently active users and it's necessary to select a specific Game to be able to export it
Type: Groups
Report Name Description Details
 Group Posts Report This report provides a detail of the posts on group walls, comments, likes, etc., and which group these posts were posted on.  
 Group Comments Per Post Report This report shows the comments that the users share in the group posts. The report includes the actual comment made in a group post, along with the user info who made the comment and the date the comment was made.
 Group Content Info Report This report provides details about Group Content Library items, such as which group they exist in, and who uploaded the item. This report is similar to the Library Info Report.
 Group Content Views Report This report displays for each user how many times they have viewed a particular group item. This report is similar to the Library Views Report.
Type: Performance Reviews
Report Name Description Details
 Performance Reviews Report This report displays all reviews on the selected profile(s) with any review state except “Draft”.

The Report Options dropdown list contains only Periodic, Bottom-Up, and Anniversary profile instances.


 Performance Reviews Detailed Report This report provides some extra data for the reviews such as the skills and goals ratings. The Report Options dropdown list contains only Periodic, Bottom-Up, and Anniversary profile instances.
 Performance Reviews All Time Report The Report Options dropdown list contains only Periodic and Bottom-Up profile instances. Does not contain Anniversary profiles. Also, it displays all reviews on the selected profile with any review state (“Released”, “Draft”, etc). This report is available only for Admins.
Type: On-the-Job Training
Report Name Description Details
 On the Job Training Task Report This report provides a task-by-task view, for each user. It will also show when the trainee and trainer signed off. To see the trainer's name, you need to add the following fields to the report: Trainer Firstname, Trainer Lastname.
 On the Job Training Count Per Unit Report This report provides an overview broken down by unit of the total number of tasks, average completion percentage, over a set date range, if desired.  
 On the Job Training Count Per Above Unit Report This report provides an overview broken down by Above unit of the total number of tasks, average completion percentage, over a set date range, if desired.  By adding the field "Parent Above Unit Title" you can also view the parent above unit of each above unit included in the report.
 On the Job Training Overview Report This report shows the number of enrollments as well as the Completion Rate % per OJT. It includes Standalone and Course Connected OJTs. The two types can be distinguished based on the ‘Job Training Type’ field.
 On the Job Training User Report This report displays information (Completion Rate %) per user on the OJT level. It includes Standalone and Course Connected OJTs. The two types can be distinguished based on the ‘Job Training Type’ field.
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