Creating In-Class Events

In Schoox you can set up various in-class events, that can be either standalone or connected to a specific course or learning path.

To see who can create a In-Class Event please view Virtual / In-Class Event Permissions

You have the option to select how users will be registered for your In-Class Event and if you want to enable a waiting list for your event. All of these, along with many other options are available when you create your In-Class Event.

The differences in the creation of a standalone, course or learning path-connected event are very few, so let's see first how to create a standalone event first, and then we'll also check the additional options we have for the course or learning path-connected ones.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Academy Workspace.

When in the Academy Workspace, select Training Admin for all Training Administration options. 

Select Manage Training and then select In-Class Events.

Select Create In-Class Event.

On the next page, you will need to fill in all of the required fields for your event. The page is basically divided into 6 parts:

  • Part 1: Basic Information
  • Part 2: Event's Location
  • Part 3: Registration Process & Passing Score
  • Part 4: Event’s Agenda, Time zone & Certificate*
  • Part 5: Additional Information (Optional)
  • Part 6: Repetition and Attendance Rules

* available only for Stand-alone events


Part 1: Basic Information

Fill in the basic information for your Event and the certificate that will be awarded to the users upon event completion.


Tip! What can an External Instructor do?

This field is just a text field. An external Instructor will not be able to use Schoox and initiate an event. Only academy members have the option to initiate the event through Schoox.

Moreover, you have the option to add a Custom iCal Event Description, if needed. The iCal event description is automatically generated, providing the event description and the event URL. By selecting this option, you can set a custom message for the iCal file.


Part 2: Event's Location

Here you have to select the location where your In-Class Event will take place in. You have two options:

1. You can specify the location by adding a physical address 
2. You can select a venue from the dropdown

The venues are predefined places that have been created by you or other people in your Academy. If want to create a new venue or delete one that is no longer needed you can click on Manage Venues on the right of the page. 

Read more on how to manage venues here:Managing Event Venues


Part 3: Registration Process & Passing Score

You can then select if your event will be "Invitation based" or "Registration based", and set a Passing Score for your event.  

Note: Once you have saved/created your event, this setting cannot be changed.


The difference between these two options is very simple.

Invitation-based Events

This kind of event is private events for which users need an invitation to join. That means that you can invite users, who after receiving a notification, need to claim whether they will attend or not.


You will not be able to register employees. You will have only the option to invite them. Moreover, Invitation-based events cannot be repeated.

Please note that invitation-based events cannot be Course-Connected, only Standalone ones. So if you create a Course-Connected Event you will only have the Registration option available.

Registration-based Events

Every user who has access to see this event will be able to register and join the live session. Moreover, admins, as well as managers who have the permission to register members to events, will be able to register users to the live sessions. Don’t forget to add the maximum number of users that can be registered to this Session!

The passing score is a field that will help you rate your users' performance in a standalone event. You can adjust this for every registered user after the event is completed, and you can later report on it through the reporting modules.


Note: If a user is added to the waiting list after an event has already been initiated, their "Approved" status will be automatically set to "No" rather than "Pending".

Part 4: Event’s Agenda, Time Zone & Certificate

It’s time to set the date and time of your event!

  • Under Schedule Agenda, you can set the event's timeline. Feel free to add extra days, if needed.
  • For each day you can add a Topic, and divide the day into Segments, so you can give your users an indication of how the event will go.
  • Add the event’s time zone.
  • Event Deadline: You have the option to control the time period for which the registration will be open. In In-Class Events you can select to not have a deadline. 


At this point, you also have the option to define that the event should be automatically archived once completed by clicking on the "Automatically archive the event once completed" checkbox. Moreover, when it comes to Stand-alone Events, you can set an expiration period for the certificate of the event.

Please note that in case of events with multiple offers (see below for more information), all of the offers will be automatically archived if this checkbox was selected upon event creation.

Tip! Event - Time zone

The time of the event is shown to users in their respective area time, based on their browser settings. That means that an event that is scheduled for 9 am EST (GMT-5), users in France, for example, will attend this at 3 pm GMT+1.


Part 5: Additional Information (Optional)

You can specify the Type and Number of Credits that will be awarded to attendees upon event completion. You can also select if you want these credits to be displayed on the Event Certificate. 


Part 6: Repetition and Attendance Rules

You can create a recurring event by setting multiple offers of this event during the creation process. To do so, just click on the Repeat Event checkbox!


Tip! Repeat Event checkbox

Please note that this checkbox is not available in the following two cases:

  • Invitation-based events. Only Registration based events can be repeated.
  • After the event creation. This checkbox is available only while creating an event. 

Once you select the Repeat Event checkbox, you will see the options available for your multiple offers events.

Firstly, you have the option to give a name to your events bundle by filling the "Multiple Offers Title" field. If you leave this blank, your events bundle will have the name of the master event (first event) of the bundle.

Then you can set up the dates the events will take place. You have the following options: "Every Day", "Every Week", "Every Month", "Every Year", based on "Custom Repetition Rules" or on "Custom Dates".

If you select to create Custom Repetition Rules then you have the option to set an event to recur: 

  • Daily, every x days
  • Weekly, every x weeks, on specific days of the week
  • Monthly, every x months, on specific days of the month
  • Yearly, every x years, on specific months of the year, on a specific day of each designated month

If you select to add your event offers in Custom Dates, just click "Add Offer" to add a new date and then use the calendar to specify the date. However, please make sure that the next offer that you add has a later date than the previous one.  

For all setups, except for the Custom Dates one, you have also the option to define if you want your event offers to end on a specific date or after a specific number of offers.


It’s time to select the attendance rules that you want to be applied to your event! There are three available options:

  • Users can attend multiple offers
  • Users can attend only one offer
  • Users must attend all offers

These three options have different characteristics that affect the registration process, the event completion, the event settings as well as the certificate(s) that will be issued upon completion.



Users can attend multiple offers

Users can attend only one offer

Users must attend all offers


Users will have the option to register for multiple event-offers.

Users will have the option to register for one event-offer. Once registered, they will not have the option to register themselves for another event-offer.

If they want to change their registration, they will have to unregister from the event offer and register for another one.

Users will have the option to register only to the first event offer and they will be automatically registered to all of the other offers.

The “Register” button will not be available for users if

- one (or more) of the event offers has been completed. All of the event-offers should be upcoming

- there are no seats available


If an admin registers a user to an event, the user will be added to the list of registrants for all offers even if one (or some) of them has been completed.

Moreover, if an admin selects to Add offers, the already enrolled users will be automatically enrolled in the additional offers.


Users will have to attend only one offer to get completion.

However, you have the option to allow users to re-attend the event every X months.

That means that:

- a user will be able to attend only one offer every X months.

- every X months, the event progress will be reset and users will have to attend a new offer.

- the register button will be available only for the offers of the current period (X months)


Example case: Users can attend 1 event every month.

- Users will be able to register for an event only if there is an offer in the month that they are in. If there is an offer next month, they will not be able to register for it, until they are in that month.

- If the current month is not the same with the month that the user attended the event, the system resets the user-progress.

Users will have to attend only one offer to get completion.

Users will have to attend all of the offers in order to get completion.


Users will be awarded with a certificate for every event-offer that they attended.

Users will be awarded with a certificate for the event-offer that they attended.

Only one event certificate will be awarded per event-bundle.


You have the option to edit the settings (such as different max attendees’ limit) per event-offer.

You have the option to edit the settings (such as different max attendees’ limit) per event-offer.

It is not possible to apply different settings (such as different max attendees’ limit) per event offer


Additional options in Course/ Learning Path- Connected In-Class Events

1. When it comes to Course/ Learning Path- connected events, the Category is already preselected, based on the connected Course/ Learning Path.

So, if your Course is under the "Administration" category, for example, the event that you'll try to create under this course will be automatically added under the "Administration" category.

2. There is an extra block that will help you identify the entity (Course/ Learning Path) that this event is connected to:


3. In Course/Learning Path connected events you can define if the event step should be a required or an optional step. If you define that the event is needed for course/learning path completion, the user won't get a course/ learning path completion if he/she hasn't completed the event step first.

If the In-Class Event is a required step, you will have to define the Passing Score. Screenshot_37.png

In this case, you will have to give the registered users a score after the event is completed. Based on the score you give the users and the Passing score you define for the event, the users will either be considered as completed or not completed for the event.


Please note:

  • Events are created as private by default. After the creation of your event, you need to make sure you make it public if you wish to have it visible to the whole academy.  A public event will be visible to the academy, or to a particular group of people when added in a category with enabled access permissions.
  • Events cannot be edited if they are in progress. You will be able to edit them only before the start time and/or after the scheduled end time.


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