Utilizing Your Content Resources Starting Page

The Starting Page of your Resources is a page from where you can discover new popular content items or find your go-to ones!

Based on how your Academy is set up, your Resources Starting Page may consist of three blocks: Recently Seen, Most Popular, and Favorites. From this page, you can access instantly your favorite, your recently seen, and the most popular content items, just by clicking on them!

If you want to see more content items, you then have the option to select a specific category or the All Content page, that includes all the content items that are available to you! 


  • If the Favorites block is enabled, you will be able to mark the content items available to you as Favorites. Read more: Marking Content as a Favorite
  • The enabled blocks will also be available as categories on the left of the page, where you can easily access them just by selecting them. 
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