Navigating the Event Listing Page

To find the events available to you in the Academy, all you have to do is go to the Learner Workspace and navigate to Training -> Events. This will send you to the Event Catalog, showing all events available to you.

Available Events

In general, the set of events that is available for you on this page is primarily defined by the Categories that you have access to. You can see these categories on the right side of your screen.

Subsequently, the set of events you will be able to see depends on your role and the permissions you have in your Academy. More specifically: 

Regular User
As a regular user, you will only be able to see events that are listed as Public, the Events under the courses you are enrolled in, or the events that you already registered in. 

Read More: How to Register for an Event

As a Manager, you will be for sure able to see events that are listed as Public, the events that you already registered in, the Events under the courses you are enrolled in, or the events you are an instructor of. 

If you are the Instructor of an event then you will be able to see the Manage Event option under the events that you are an instructor of.

Training Manager

As a Training Manager, you will be for sure able to see events that are listed as Public, the events that you already registered in, the Events under the courses you are enrolled in, or the events you are an instructor of. Then, depending on your permissions, you may also be able to see Private Events.

Moreover, you may be able to see the Manage Event option under these events.

As an Admin you will be able to see and manage all Events and categories that exist within the Academy.

Finding Events

To find the events you want you can use the filters and search bar. You can filter by the Event Start Day, and/or Order the results by options such as the Priority or Creation Date. On the right side, you can filter the events by Category.

Please note that the categories available to you will only be the ones you have permission to access. 

Availble Event Information

Under each Event item, you may be able to see information such as:

1) the Event Start Date
2) the Event Instructor
3) the Event address (for In-Class Trainings)
4) the number of seats available
5) the number of attendees
6) the description of the Event


Read more on how to create events here: Creating Virtual Events and Creating In-Class Events

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