How to manage my groups? [mobile app]

Groups have several functions available that will allow group members to collaborate and interact with each other. Let's check these functions in more detail!

Select Groups from the main navigation menu and find the Group in question.



On the top right corner, Group admins have five options to manage their Group.



1. Edit Group
You can use this option if you want to edit the current settings of your Group.


2. Edit Logo
Using this option you can add/ edit the logo of your Group. 



3. Edit Cover

You can use this option if you want to add/ edit the cover of your Group.


4. Pending Requests

Using the Pending Requests option you can check who has requested to join your Group. You can either approve or deny the request. 


For more details about who can join a Group, please check the following article: How to create a group? [mobile app]

5. Delete Group

You can delete the Group by selecting this option.



In the Latest Feeds at the Home tab, the Group members can share messages, useful links, files, and/ or images!


For more details about Group Wall posts, please check the following article: How to add, edit and delete a wall post to a group? [mobile app]


Latest Discussions: Discussion boards allow you to have conversations or gather feedback from the group members about specific topics. You have the ability to search and sort the discussions based on your desired criteria.


Content: Use the Group Library to store material relevant to your Group.



Polls: In the Polls tab you can see the Group-connected polls and get feedback from the Group members!


Members: Use the Members tab to view the members of your group, assign administrative permissions to other group members or award them a badge.



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