Managing Past Employees

If you have permission to manage academy members, then the Past Employees tab under the Manage Members page allows you to manage and overview your Past Academy Members. 

To find the Past Employees tab, you will need to go to the Manage Members page.

Select the Academy Admin Workspace. On the left, under Organization, select Manage Team Members.


On this page, you can search for a specific Academy Member using the search bar, or use the organizational filters to get a group of users matching the same organizational criteria. 

Moreover, you can add a specific date range to search for users who were deactivated within those days. 

Basic Options 

  • By clicking the Info icon next to each Member, you can review the organizational structure this user is under. 
  • Under each user's name, there are two options: the View Profile and View Reporting.
    • Clicking View Profile will lead you to the specific user's profile. 
    • Clicking View Reporting will lead you to the Employees Dashboard of this specific user.

Reactivating a User 


  • The date that each user was deactivated, appears on the right for every user.
  • Clicking the Reactivate button, will reactivate the user and make them again an active member of your Academy.

Note: Past Employees Dashboard is available only to Admins and Training Managers.

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Removing/Deactivating Team Members

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