Now that you, as an Admin, have created your above units, units, and custom jobs, it's time to define the respective permissions per job.
For all jobs, the same permissions are available to be enabled. However, the process is a bit different for each.
In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Academy Workspace.
When in the Academy Workspace, select Academy Admin for all Academy Administration options.
Select Organization and then Set Up Organization.
Above Units — Organizational Jobs
Two system jobs are created automatically with each Above Unit Type —
- Head of the Above Unit
- Assistant Head of the Above Unit
You cannot delete them, but you can define their permissions.
Select Set Up Organization on the left, then the Above Units tab.
Click on the Manage Permissions option, right under the job you want to edit and you will see a list of the available permissions.
Units — Organizational Jobs
Two system jobs are created automatically with each Unit —
- Unit Manager
- Assistant Unit Manager
You cannot delete them but you can define their permissions.
Select the Units tab, then the Set Permissions subtab. You will see a list of the available permissions per job.
Custom Jobs
Once you have created your custom jobs, you can define the permissions per custom job.
When in the Academy Workspace, select Academy Admin for all Academy Administration options.
Select Organization and then Manage Jobs.
Under the Custom tab, you have the option to inherit each job's permissions with those of its associated Unit or Above Unit.
When selecting to associate a custom job with permissions you have two options:
1) You can associate this job's permissions with Units. If you select to associate this job's permissions with the units, the users with this job will only have these permissions for the units under which they are assigned with this job. From the moment you associate a job with units, this job can only be assigned to users under a unit.
2) Respectively if you associate this job's permissions with a specific Above Unit Type, the users with this job will only have these permissions for the Above units of the specific type under which they are assigned this job. From the moment you associate a job with a specific above unit type, this job can only be assigned to users under an above unit of this type.
Please note that if you change the custom job connection from Units to an Above Unit type as an example,
- if the user having this job belongs to the above unit type, the job will be "moved" to the above unit type for which is now connected.
- if the user having this job doesn't belong to the selected above unit type, the user will lose his job.
- if the user having this job is a member of more than one above units of the selected type, the user will lose his job.
Please note that you may define the same permissions for the custom and organizational jobs. However, even in this case, the users who do not have a organizational job assigned won't receive some of the notifications that managerial jobs receive:
Read more: Restricting Custom Jobs to a Specific Brand
Available Permissions
The permissions you can give to your jobs, are the same, regardless of the path you will get, and are as follows:
Reporting: Users can access the reporting dashboard but will be limited to see only units and above units under his or her authorization.
- Report Builder: Users can use the Report Builder to populate reports for the units and above units under his or her authorization.
Manage Members: Users can edit existing user associations (Limited to users under their authorization.), such as:
- Add/ Remove Units: Users can edit (add/remove) the associated (Above) units
- Move Units (Available only if you have disabled the user association with multiple Units/ Above Units for your academy - Advanced Academy Settings Organizational Structure)
- Deactivate a user
Edit User: Permission to edit Firstname, Lastname, Preferred Language and Custom additional fields.
- Change Password: Users are able to change the password for users under their authorization.
- Edit a user’s username
- Edit a user’s email
- Edit a user's custom field
Edit Jobs: Users can edit employee's jobs. There are two different options available:
- All jobs: By enabling this option, a Head of Above Unit will be able to edit all of the jobs (custom and organizational) for the users under their org structure.
- Assistant Head of Above Unit: By enabling this option, a Head of Above Unit will be able to edit only the job of the Assistant Head of Above Unit (for users under his/her org structure).
Assign Training: Users can assign training to employees that are in the above units or units that are under their authorization. Moreover, they can invite these employees to enroll in a course. The users having this permission are also able to unassign training from the Employees Dashboard and Oblige the Users to Retake their training.
Advanced Assign Training: If this sub-permission is checked then access will be allowed to the advanced course/curriculum assign pages/actions.
- Create Automated Assignment Rules: This sub-permission is only available when the “Advanced Assign Training” sub-permission is checked. If this sub-permission is checked, the creation of automated assignment rules (course/curriculum) will be allowed to the relevant managers.
- Exclude from assignment rules: Users are able to Exclude Users from Assignment rules when unassigning a user from a course/curriculum. This option is available only if the "Reporting" permission is enabled.
Advanced Assign Training: If this sub-permission is checked then access will be allowed to the advanced course/curriculum assign pages/actions.
- Assess Members’ Skills: Users are able to rate the skill level of members.
- Add Users: Users can add and invite outside employees into the academy.
Assess OJT Performance: Users can evaluate On the Job Training tasks. This option is available only if the "Reporting" permission is enabled. More specifically, in the case of Above Units and the organizational jobs Head Of Above Unit & Assistant Head of Above Unit, there are two different permission settings:
- All categories: Users have the option to sign off all OJT tasks for users under their org structure.
- Only decentralized categories: Users have the permission to sign off only OJT tasks that are part of courses under the decentralized category of their Above Unit.
- All jobs: Users have the option to sign off OJT tasks for users under their org structure (including same job level)
- Lower management levels:Users have the option to sign off OJT tasks only for users with a lower job, meaning not at the same job level).
- Edit same level managers' assessments: Managers will be able to edit the OJT assessments a same level manager has performed.
- Bulk OJT Performance Assessment: Users can mass sign off all job training's tasks for all users under their org structure. This permission requires the "Assess OJT Performance" permission to be enabled, in order to be given.
- Create Standalone On the Job Training: Users can create a Standalone On the Job Training.
- Assign Standalone On the Job Training: Users can assign a Standalone On the Job Training.
- Share Content with Team: Users can share uploaded material within the academy.
- Send Announcements: Users can post announcements to those within their authority.
- Create Events: Users can create Instructor-led Training Events and register only users within their authority.
Register Members to Events: Users can register members to scheduled events on behalf of those members. Limited only to users only under their authorization.
- All events
- Only Events created by this user
- Manage Event Members: Users can manage event members and edit their attendance data.
- Create Private Course: Users can create courses and assign them only to users within their authority.
- Create Private Curriculum: Users can create courses and assign them only to users within their authority.
Copy Curriculum: Users with this permission will be able to copy the curricula that are specified in the below sub-permission.
- All curricula
- Curricula Created by this User
- Create Badge: Users can create academy badges that will be awarded to academy members.
- Create Group: Users can create and manage groups. Please note that this will be by default enabled if you have selected to allow all employees to create groups, by the Academy Settings.
Register Members to Groups: This permission is independent of the Create Group permission. Users can register members to Groups:
- All Groups
- Only to Groups This User is Admin
- Business Impact: Users are able to access the Business Impact feature within Schoox and monitor the impact of Training on business growth for the organizational part limited under their authority.
- Delete Exam Attempt: Users are able to delete the last exam attempt for users within their authority. This option is available only if the "Reporting" permission is enabled.
- Complete training: Users are able to mark as completed the training material for users within their authority. This option is available only if the "Reporting" permission is enabled.
- Bulk Complete Training: to mark a Course or Curricula as completed in bulk for multiple users. This option is available only if the "Complete Training" permission is enabled.
- Override ILT Seats Limit: Users are able to override the seats limit defined for an event and register extra members. This option is available only if the "Register Members to Events" permission is enabled.
- Register Members to Events After The Registration Deadline: Users have the option to register members to past events. This option is available only if the "Register Members to Events" permission is enabled.
- Create & Assign Goal: Users are able to create and assign organizational or emloyees goals to the members of their academy in order to achieve the target goals they have set for their organization.
- Purchase Courses: Users have the option to purchase courses from the Marketplace. This option is available only if the "Assign Training" permission is enabled.
- View posts to Wall: Users are able to view the Wall posts.
- Post Updates to Wall: Users are able to make their own posts to the Academy Wall.
- Edit Exams Score: Users are able to edit the exam-score,or grant additional exam attempts for users under their authorization.
- Approve self-enrollment requests: Users have the option to approve (or not) the pending enrollment requests.
- Create Onboarding Profiles: Users can create Onboarding Profiles for the users within their authority. This option is available only if the "Assign Training" permission is enabled.
- Manage External Credits Requests: With this permission managers will be able to approve or decline external uploadable credits.
- Limit Access: With this permission managers will be able to limit the access of the employees under their org structure to a course so that they cannot see content outside of the working environment.
Note: Custom job permissions are applied exclusively to users who are part of the same Above Unit or its directly associated Units (child Units). However, these permissions do not extend to the directly associated Above Units.