Schoox exams can have the following type of questions:
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Answers
- True / False
- Fill in Blanks
- Matching
Let's check them in more detail!
Type of Questions
[This video uses the old navigation. New video coming soon!]
Multiple Choice
Type your question and the answers you want to be given as choices to the learner. Decide which is the correct answer, as well as the score the learner gets for answering correctly. You can also type in the feedback you would like the learners to see when reviewing the exam. The default page comes with three placeholders for three different choices but you can add as many as you want.
Please Note: You cannot give a negative or zero scores for a correct answer. Neither can you give a positive score for a false answer.
Multiple Answers
This type of question looks very similar to the Multiple Choice Answers but it's quite different. The differences are:
- More than one answer can be correct
- Learner can click on more than one answer
- You can either give points for both correct and incorrect answers, or you can award an "All-or-Nothing" score.
- Give points for both correct and incorrect answers: This means that the learner will get points for checking the correct answer, and also points for not checking the wrong answer. If you don't give points for the wrong answers, the learner could theoretically check all the answers (false and correct), and get the same amount of points for that question. There would be no difference between the learner who checks only the correct answers and the learner who checks everything.
- Award an "All-or-Nothing" score: Check the “All-or-Nothing” checkbox at the top of the page. When selected, you will be able to set a score value at the question level instead of at each answer level. That means that when a student takes the exam, the user has to select all the correct answers in order to pass the question.
True / False
This type of question is very similar to the Multiple Choice type but has only two choices for the learner.
Please note: For the Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers, and True/False question types you have three more options for your question.
The first option is to select if you want to completely remove the number or/and letter indication next to each exam answer.
The second option is to select if you need the rating type of this question to be Alphabetical or Numerical. By changing this setting, the answers to your question will either appear as an Alphabetical list (A, B, C..) or a numerical list (0, 1, 2..)
The third option you have is to select if the order of the answers will be static or if you want the answers to be shuffled. You can achieve this by changing the Order of Answers setting.
Please note that the two latter options will not be available if the Show Numbering option is Off.
Fill in blanks
Here you can give a text with blank fields that the learner has to fill in. Type in your question just as the exam taker should see it, with an underlined blank signifying where the answer should be supplied. Then, enter all qualifying answers in the space provided, surrounding them with a set of square brackets, and separating each with a vertical bar (usually found under the backspace key).
For example,
'Albert ______ invented the Theory of Relativity.' - with your answers as follows: [Einstein|Einstien]
If you want to accept more than one word as correct you can put all of the accepted words in brackets separated by the break line character ""|"" (not to confuse with the capital i) [word 1 | word 2 | word 3]
"[John|Jack|President] Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States"
Matching questions require the students to drag and drop the answers from the bottom of the page to correctly relate to the answers above. Type in the answers as they should appear when correct, and Schoox will automatically randomize them for the student.
For your Matching type questions, you also have the option to select if you want to completely remove the number or/and letter indication next to each exam answer.Moreover, you have the option to select if you need the rating type of the question to be Alphabetical or Numerical. By changing this setting, the answers to your question will either appear as an Alphabetical list (A, B, C..) or a numerical list (0, 1, 2..). For Matching type questions, you are able to select the rating type for each of the matching choice columns.
Please note that the rating type option will not be available if the Show Numbering option is Off.
For all the aforementioned question types you have the option to upload images or videos and associate them with a question or an answer. Just select the type of file that you want to upload (image/video) and then click on the icon (e.g camera icon) next to the corresponding question or answer in order to choose your file.
(The image must have a minimum resolution 186x190 px and a maximum of 1920x1280 px)