Are you looking for a way to assess your employees' performance on a recurring basis? Then Performance Reviews is what you are looking for! With this feature, you will be able to review each employee based on their skills, based on the goals they have achieved, or based on specific talent areas that you define.
As an Academy Admin, just follow the steps below to enable the feature for your academy and then you will be able to start building your profiles.
Step 1: Contact Schoox Support to enable the feature for your academy
Performance Reviews is not a feature that is available to all academies at this time. Contact the Schoox support team ( and we will enable an extra academy setting for you!
Step 2: Adjust your Academy Settings
Performance Review feature must then be enabled in your academy.
In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Academy Workspace.
When in the Academy Workspace, select Development Admin.
Select Settings and then select Control Panel.
Under Performance Modules, select Performance Reviews, and flip the toggle to Yes.
You can now define some more settings to make sure that the feature will meet the needs of your organization!
Rating Scale
It's time to select the rating scale you want to use to evaluate your employees.
You have three options:
- Percentage Rating
- Star Rating (up to 10 stars)
- Custom Rating
Custom Rating gives you the freedom to create your own rating system!
Please note that if you are planning to take into account the Skills or the Goals feature for your Performance Reviews, the rating scale will be inherited by the respective feature.
Overall Rating (available in case of Custom Rating)
You can create and display a customized overall rating scale within performance reviews at the “Review Profile” level. Descriptions and ranges can be adjusted for different groups of learners. Here’s an example of a custom rating scale:
- Score 1 - 1.49 Overall Rating is '1 - Unsatisfactory'
- Score 1.50 - 2.49 Overall Rating is '2 - Needs Improvement'
- Score 2.50 - 3.49 Overall Rating is '3 - Successful'
- Score 3.50 - 4.49 Overall Rating is '4 - Exceptional'
- Score 4.50 - 5.00 Overall Rating is '5 - Outstanding'
Feel free to add up to 10 levels and set up your desired overall rating scales! Please note that score values can start from 1 and can be up to the number of the custom levels you have defined.
Important note! In the case of Custom Rating Scale, the Rating Levels that you'll add here (in Advanced Settings) will be added as default rating levels for your Performance Areas in every profile you will create. However, you'll have the option to adjust them so that they'll fit a specific profile & Area.
Reviews Permissions
Do you want to allow your HR Managers to edit the approved scores? Turn the relevant toggle to "yes" if so.
Top-Down Reviews Permissions
Select if you want to allow Multi-Level Top-Down Reviews. You can create review templates where managers can be requested to review not only their direct reports but also employees at any level below their org structure.
Don't forget to define if you want Approval Process settings to be available in your Academy.
Bottom-Up Reviews Permissions
Select if you want to allow Multi-Level Bottom-Up Reviews. You can create review templates where employees can be requested to review not only their direct managers but also managers at any level above.
Goals can be included in Performance Reviews
Select if you want to include Goals in your Performace Reviews. This setting is only available if you have enabled Goals Management for your Academy. If turned off the following will not be available:
- The “This Goal can be included in Performance Reviews” checkbox on the Goal creation page
- The “Goals” section when creating a Performance Review profile
Review Section data is captured
In general, the feedback and ratings for a review period must be associated with the progress (goals, skills) the reviewees had in that same period. By default, a snapshot of the progress associated with the review period is created at the very end of the Review Cycle.
However, with this setting, you can select if you want this snapshot to be taken at the very beginning of the review process. You have two options about when you want the Review Data to be captured:
- On the last day of the Review Cycle
- When the review is started
This is a setting that also exists under the profile creation template. Your profile creation template's setting will default to the option you make here, under the Advanced Settings.
Review Section data can be refreshed by the Reviewer
By enabling this option, you will allow your Reviewers to refresh the Review data to the current state. This means that the progress (goals, skills) shown under the review, will be the ones the reviewees have up until the moment the data was refreshed.
The reviewers will only be able to refresh the data before they have started the review process.
This is a setting that also exists under the profile creation template. Your profile creation template's setting will default to the option you make here, under the Advanced Settings.
You have now completed the basic setup for your reviews. But it's time to define which (Above) Units will participate in this feature and which Managerial jobs should be able to review user performance! To do so please check the article: Defining Performance Reviews Participation