As an Academy Admin, you are able to see infographics and statistics regarding your Academy's usage.
In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Academy Workspace.
When in the Academy Workspace, select Academy Admin for all Academy Administration options.
Select Settings and then General.
On the top is a navigation menu including the option Academy Usage. On this page, you will be able to find various data regarding your academy like how many employees are registered or what is the course completion rate. Each infographic can help you gain information on how you use your Academy. This page is updated once every day.
1) The Number of Employees shows how many employees are active in your Academy.
2) Storage reflects how much data you have stored in your Academy's Resources in videos, documents, presentations, and SCORM files. On the left, you can also see how much data you have used specifically for videos, documents, and presentations. The max number of storage reflects the maximum amount of data you can store in your Academy's Resources, according to your subscription plan. If this information is not available in your academy, then there is no limit to the data you store.
3) The Number of Courses shows you how many courses there are in total in your Academy, how many of those are active, and how many are archived.
4) The Number of Learning Paths shows how many active learning paths there are in your Academy.
5) The course completion rate shows you the percentage of the active courses taken that have been marked as completed and the percentage of the not completed ones.
6) The exam success rate shows you the percentage of the exams taken that were successful and the percentage of the failed ones.
7) The Groups infographic can give you information on how many groups there are in your Academy, how many users are in those groups, and how much content is stored in these groups.
8) The External Members infographic shows you the number of external members in your Academy and the number of courses they are currently enrolled in or assigned to.
9) Last but not least, the Above Units & Units infographic shows you the number of Above Units and Units that are set up in your Academy.