Creating a Course Badge

In Schoox you have the option to create Badges that will be automatically awarded to your employees upon course-completion. 

First of all, in order to be able to create course-badges, you will need to enable the relevant setting for your academy. Navigate to the Academy Admin Workspace, open the Settings from the left navigation, and select Control Panel. Once in the Control Panel, select the Gamification Module then open Academy Badges. Here you will find the option to turn on Course Badges for your academy.


Now that you have enabled the course-badges for your academy, you have the option to go to the Course panel of the desired course and add a badge which employees will be awarded automatically upon course-completion.

Navigate to the Training Admin Workspace, select Manage Training on the left navigation, then open Courses.

Select the course you wish to add a badge to.

Once in the Manage Course section, you can either use the Course Badge button in the Quick Tools or by selecting Badge on the right side menu.

Once in the badge creation wizard, add a title for your badge, write a short description, upload an image and select a shape and/or icon for your badge.

Select the blue Save changes button at the bottom of the page to save your badge. Once a user completes this course, he/she will be awarded with the created course-badge and he/she will be able to view it under his/her Accomplishments.



  • If you are an Academy Admin, you will have the option to revoke a badge, if needed.
  • Badges will be awarded retroactively if learners have already completed a course.
  • The uploaded image’s ratio should be 400x480 pixels.
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