Adjusting for Your Time Zone

To ensure your account has the correct time zone, head to your settings.

To go to your personal settings, select your profile picture in the top right and select Settings.

Under Settings, click on Privacy and Preferences.


Click on the drop box arrow to select the time zone and click Save.

Please note:

- This setting automatically takes into account all Daylight Saving Time (DST) clock changes.

- All users’ time zones will default to their internet browser time zone on their first login.

- This setting will affect all times/dates shown on reports, certificates, and dashboards.

- If the user logs in via SSO, and no specific time zone has been defined, the dates/ times on their   dashboard, certificates, etc, will not automatically change.


Good to Know: When setting a completion date or a due date on the “Assign Training” pages or Employees' Dashboard, the user’s preferred time zone will be taken into account and displayed accordingly.

As an example: 

  • Admin’s time zone: EEST (GMT+3) 
  • User’s time zone: AKDT (GMT-11) 

On 06/15/2023 the Admin of the academy adds a due date of 06/17/2023 for one of the user’s courses. This means that the due date that the Admin will see for this user will be 06/17/2023 00:00 EEST. The same due date will be 06/16/2023, 21:00 AKDT for the User and the due date that the User will see under the course card will be 06/16/2023. 

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