Monitoring Academy Leaderboards Point Totals

If your academy has leaderboards turned on, you can see where you stand within the community or an academy. The more active you are, the more points you earn. The more points you earn, the higher your score!


In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Social Workspace.

When in the Social Workspace, select Game Center -> Leaderboards.

You will be able to see all of the academy and limited leaderboards available in your academy and to you.

Monitoring the Point Total

Leaderboards give you an overview of where you stand among others in your academy (Academy Leaderboard), and within a specific unit or above unit (Limited Leaderboard).

Click on View to see more information about a specific Leaderboard.

Leaderboard: The leaderboard you are currently looking at. You can change this to see the status of any other leaderboard.

Above Unit: See only the users in a specific above unit.

Unit: See only the users in a specific unit.

Rankings: Either see the current ranking, or the ranking for this month.

Your Rank: See where you stand, who is above and below you, and the recent changes to the points. Click on Get Report to download a report showing how you received your points.

Top 10: See who is in the top ten for this leaderboard and the recent changes in points.

Using the Report Builder

You can glance more information about how points have been awarded to the leaderboards by using the Report Builder.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Team Workspace.

When in the Team Workspace, select Reporting and then select Report Builder.

Create a new report and select the Leaderboards Point Per Activity Report to get reports on the points awarded.




The Admin of an academy can set how many points will be earned after specific activities (e.g.when a learner enrolls in a course, completes a course, passes an exam, etc.)

The first time you complete the course is your only chance to get points for that task. Completing the course a second time will NOT give you points either on old or new Leaderboards.

Read more:

Managing Leaderboards

Leaderboards: Frequently Asked Questions

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