Creating Games

In Schoox, you can build games to add motivation and fun into learning.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Social Workspace.

Gamification Settings

The first time you want to do is make sure that the creation of games is turned on.

When in the Social Workspace, select Settings.

Under the Gamification Settings, you have a few options.

Setting On Off
Gamification Turns on the Gamification Module No Gamification options are available
Leaderboards Turns on Leaderboards Leaderboards are turned off
Games Turns on Games Games are turned off
Niki's Learning Quest Turns on Niki's Learning Quest Niki's Learning Quest is turned off

Only Admins have the permission to create games. After turning on the Games module, you can start creating them

Creating a Game

When in the Social Workspace, select Game Center and then select Games.

This gives you an overview of all current games in your Academy. To create a new one, click on Create Game in the top-right.

Step 1: Fill out the name, description, and add a thumbnail for your game.

Step 2: Decide on how many levels you want in the game. Give them a name, a separate image to make them stand out, and the amount of points users need to reach to get to this level.

Step 3: Set an end-date for the game. If you do not set an end-date, the game goes on indefinitely. Set the activities that will score points for this game.

Step 4: Decide who in your organization is partaking in this game, using the organizational filters.

Step 5: Decide if you want to publish the game now (go live), save it as a draft (edit later), or schedule it (go live on a selected date).

Step 6: If you want users to get a badge after the game ends, you can create a badge for the game.

Step 7: Double check the details! Click Activate to activate your game!

Setting Activities:

During Step 3, you will be setting the activities. When you set the activities, there are a few options.

Instructor Points: When a user completes the activity, the instructor of said training - learning paths in this case - will also receive points.

Learner Points: The points the learner receives for completing the activity.

Advanced Options: You can decide whether the points are given for all training, or only selected training.

Points for games are not given retroactively. Points are only awarded from the moment the game goes live.

Activities completed by an admin will not reward any points to the user.

Each user will be able to see their active games as well as their current progress in their ePortfolio.

The active games are under the Badges tab..

Get Notified

You, as an Admin, have the option to enable an in-app notification that will inform the user about the points he earned for each one of the activities.

When in the Social Workspace, select Notifications and then select Academy.

Under the Gamification tab, you can set the notifications users receive.

Read also: Leaderboard Notifications

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