Your Resources is a place where members can share content with others within the academy. You as an Admin, can create categories and subcategories of content and set different access (read/write) rules for them, based on roles and jobs. When users enter the resources they will be able to see and store content based on their access rules.
You have the option to add a Starting Page to highlight specific resources.
In order to add a Starting Page for your Resources, navigate to the Training Admin Workspace.
Under Settings on the left, select Control Panel, then Resources .
Enable the relevant setting and choose which blocks you'd like to show up on your Starting Page.
There are three options available:
- Recently seen - displaying to each user the last 4 items that he/she accessed
- Most Popular - displaying the 4 most viewed items in the academy
- Favorites - displaying to each user the item(s) that he/she has marked as favorite(s)
When users enter Resources they will be able to see their Starting page along with the blocks that you have enabled for them.
Read also: Marking Content as a Favorite