Completing Your On-the-Job Training Tasks [mobile app]

For On-the-Job Training, there are four different types of tasks. Tasks that can be simply checked off when complete, tasks that require some sort of homework from the employee, tasks with signature, and open questions.

To complete your tasks, access go to the Learner Workspace and select Training -> My Training in the menu. 

Under Training in Progress in the Overview tab, or under the In Progress tab, find the OJT you need to finish.

Upload: Homework tasks require you to upload homework. Click on the Upload button and add the requested document. Then check off the Learner box.

Check-Off: Check off tasks require you to check off that you did what is needed. Just check off the Learner box.

Open Questions: Open Questions are a long-form tasks. Answer the question in the field and check off the Learner box.

Signature: Signature tasks require your signature. Click on Add to add your signature. Then check off the Learner box.

When done, you'll get a pop-up saying your tasks are done and if there are any next steps, such as your trainer completing their side.



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