Completing an On-the-Job Training Task

On the Job Trainings in Schoox, have three types of tasks. Tasks that can be simply checked off when complete, tasks that require some sort of homework from the employee, and open questions.

To complete your tasks, navigate to the On the Job Training in question and click on it to open it.

There are two types of On the Job Training in Schoox: Course-Connected and Standalone. To locate your Course-Connected On the Job Training, find the Course in question and click on the On-the-Job Training Step.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Learner Workspace. 

When you are in the Learner Workspace, click on Training and then select My Training. 

In the My Training view, you can find all your current and completed training, including the On-the-Job Training. Click on the filter icon and filter by On-the-Job Training to see all your current assignments.

To complete tasks that don’t require any verification from you, simply check off the field under the Signed off by trainee list. The date will automatically be recorded.

To complete a task that requires a Home Assignment, you have to provide some sort of verification to your trainer. This assignment could be a report or even a test, and most likely was given to you by your instructor. After completing your assignment based on your manager's instructions, you have to upload it to SchooxYou can upload different types of files (.zip, .rar, .3gp, .avi, .flv, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .ogv, .webm, .wmv, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .mp3, .m4a).

To do so, click on the Upload Home Assignment in the relevant task.

To complete an Open Question task, click on the Answer Question and submit your answer.

To complete a task that requires your Signature, just click on Sign Now, sign and click Save. 


Your manager/admin can then rate your performance, upload a revised home assignment and add any needed comments. Moreover, if your Trainer has uploaded an evaluation document for you, you will be able to download it, right after your assessment.


  • After your assessment, you'll no longer have the option to change your answer (open question-task) or update your home assignment (home assignment task)
  • When it comes to home assignments, you have the option to sign off your task even if you have not uploaded a file.
  • If The OJT Creator has defined that a Trainer's sign-off is not required for Simple/Signature Tasks, once you have (as a trainee) signed-off, the tasks will be considered as completed.
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