Courses and Learning paths Visibility Rules in Reporting Dashboard

Users with Admin rights, Training Managers, and Managers with the Reporting permission enabled to have access to My Team's Dashboard, where they can find very detailed data about their employees’ training performance, simply by checking the relevant Dashboard tab.

You, as an Admin, have now the option to apply a setting regarding the view access to courses & learning paths to non-admins that have reporting permission enabled.

In order to do so, navigate to the Academy Admin Workspace, select Settings on left navigation, and open the Control Panel. Select Reporting Visibility Controls in the settings to expand options.

Managers with the Reporting permission enabled will be able to see all academy courses & learning paths (that have at least 1 enrolled user) if the “All Courses and Learning Paths toggle is set to “Yes”.

If you want to apply specific access restrictions, and allow Reporters to see only those courses/ learning paths that are permitted through category permissions, set the “All Courses and Learning Paths toggle to “No”. Two new settings will appear where you have the option to decide whether the Reporters will be able to see the following or not:

  • Uncategorized Private Courses and Learning Paths
  • Categorized Private Courses and Learning Paths

Another option is the "Show Courses and Learning Paths with no enrolled team members?" option. If you turn this setting off Managers with reporting permissions will not be able to see the courses and Learning Paths with no enrolled employees. Stats will be visible if the "Show All Courses and Learning Paths" setting is enabled even if this setting is turned off.

That means, that if the "Show All Courses and Learning Paths" and "Show Courses and Learning Paths with no enrolled team members?" settings are both enabled, managers with reporting permissions will be able to view ALL courses & learning paths under reporting, even those that have no enrolled users.

As an example, if you have applied the settings presented in the previous image, the Reporter will be able to see only the data related to the employees that are under his/her authorization and their courses/learning path that are not private & listed under the “Without category” section at the same time.

Note: The presented data returned will only be associated with the courses/learning path that the reporter has permission to access, based on the academy settings.


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