Giving Decentralized Category Permissions

You as an Admin can give permissions to Heads and Assistant Heads of Above Units to manage their own:

1. Resources Categories,

2. Training Categories (Courses, Learning Paths, Events) and

3. Group Categories.

Select the Academy Admin Workspace. Under Organization on the left, select Set Up Organization.


Under the Above Units tab, select the Above Unit Type to which you want to give these permissions. Then select the appropriate Decentralized Permissions.

1. Set as a Brand

If you set an Above Unit Type as a Brand, then you will have the ability to differentiate each Above Unit of that type using a custom logo, cover, certificate, and/or name. You can read more on how to achieve this here: Labeling an Above Unit as a Brand

2. Can create resources categories

If this option is selected, then the Heads and Assistant Heads of will be able to manage their own resources categories.

3. Can create training categories 

If this option is selected, then the Heads and Assistant Heads of will be able to manage their own training categories.

4. Can create group categories 

If this option is selected, then the Heads and Assistant Heads of will be able to manage their own group categories.

After selecting the desired permissions, the Admin needs to click on Save Decentralized Permissions to save the changes. Once permissions are given, a new category will be created with the title of the Above Unit under the selected features (resources, training, group).

For example, if the Admin select the Above Unit Type "City" to be able to manage their own Training Categories and there is an Above Unit titled "New York" of Type "City", then the Heads and Assistant Heads of the Above Unit "New York" will have a new category titled "New York" under their Course Categories.

The Head of the Above Unit will be able to set the permissions for this category (for jobs and connected units) or create subcategories. Users from other Above Units or Units not connected to the Above Unit "New York" will not be able to see this category.

Please note

  • The Heads and Assistant Heads of the Above Unit have the option to add public content in their Above Unit's Training Categories and only their employees will be able to access it. 
  • A decentralized category (Resources/Training) always has the same name with the Above Unit that it refers to. Otherwise it would be impossible to know which De-centralized is connected with which Above Unit. If you want to edit the name then you have to edit the name of the Above Unit itself.

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