Instructor-based Permissions

Instructors play an important role in Schoox. They can help you manage your courses, learning paths, and events. In all cases, an Admin, a Training Manager with the Edit Permissions permission, and the Primary Instructor of a course/learning path/event can add and remove instructors.

Course Instructors

This role is given to users when they are the creators of a course or when an admin or another instructor wants them to manage a course. If a user is not the creator of a course, the instructor's role can be assigned only from within each course and is applied only to the selected course.

Course instructors can do the following:

  • Edit course info
  • Edit lectures
  • Add poll, exam, or On-the-Job Training
  • Invite members to enroll

Moreover, Course Instructors can have also the following extra permissions, if the relevant permissions are assigned to their job (Head of Above Unit and Assistant, Unit Manager, and Assistant):

  • Send course announcements
  • Assign training
  • Create in-class training or live-session for the course 
  • Assess On-the-Job Training

Learning Path Instructors

This role is given to users when they are the creators of a learning path or when an admin or another instructor wants them to manage a learning path. If a user is not the creator of a learning path the instructor's role can be assigned only from within each learning path and is applied only to the selected learning path.

Learning path instructors can do the following:

  • Edit learning path info
  • Edit learning path courses
  • Invite members to enroll

Moreover, learning path Instructors can have also the following extra permissions, if the relevant permissions are assigned to their job (Head of Above Unit and Assistant, Unit Manager, and Assistant):

  • Send learning path announcements
  • Assign learning path

Event Instructors

This role is given to users when they are the creators of an event or when the event creator wants them to manage the event registrants' page. The instructor's role can be assigned from within each event and is applied only to the selected event.

Event Instructors can do the following:

  • Approve (or not) user's registration
  • Assess user's attendance (Score and time of attendance)
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