Adding or Editing Exam Scores

If you have the Edit Exam Score permission, you have the right to edit exam attempts in various ways. You can also create an attempt, on behalf of a user, for an exam that hasn't been taken yet. 

Individually Add or Edit an Attempt

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Team Workspace.

When in the Team Workspace, select My Team Dashboard and then select Training.

Under the Employees tab (you should be on that page by default), select the individual's name from the list that appears, the Exam in the lower navigational menu.

Select the appropriate exam, and select Details on the right side to see the user's exam attempts.

You have now the following 4 options:

  • Create an attempt ( just click on the Add attempt by admin option)
  • Edit an attempt (either successful or unsuccessful)
  • Delete an attempt (allowing an employee to retake the exam which has exam-attempts' limit)
  • Add a comment per exam attempt if needed


When adding or editing an attempt, you have the option to add or edit the attempt's date and score. You also have the option to add a comment, to remember the reason for adding or editing an attempt!


Mass Add Exam Attempt 

You also have the option to add exam attempts for multiple users in bulk.

To do so, select the Exams tab at the top of the page within My Team's Dashboard. 

Then, select the appropriate exam. On this page, download the template for adding exam attempts. 

In the template that you downloaded fill in all of the relevant information. You can also add a comment if you'd like!

To add an attempt the Required fields are:
1) A unique identifier for each user. You can use the Schoox User ID, Email, or External ID. Just make sure that the field that you are using is a unique identifier for your users. 
2) An attempt date.

Please note that if no points value is added, zero points will be added on the attempt of the user. 

Once you have filled the template with the needed data, click on the Upload button and add your template. The process will begin shortly!

Note that Individually and Massive Add or Edit Attempt is also available for SCORM exams. In order for this option to be available, it is necessary for at least one user to have taken the exam.

Reporting on Added or Edited Attempts

You can later track the attempts that have been added for users, by using the Attempt Added by Admin field in Report Builder! You can also use the Attempt Added by Admin Comments field to review any comments that have been added for these users.


You are also able to identify the attempts that were Added or Edited by an admin on the Employees Dashboard. You can also check any comments that have been added to them, there. For the Edited attempts, you also have the option to restore them, by clicking the Restore icon.


Please note that new attempts don't come with any details about the exam questions.


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