Managing my Resource Categories

You can create categories and subcategories of content for your Resources and then control who reads or writes content by adding specific permissions. These permissions can be set per resource category, based on jobs and your academy’s organizational structure. Simply put, you are able to create rules per user’s job in each category. When users enter Resources they will be able to see and store content based on their access rules.

First, select Resources in the left menu when in the Learner, Team, or Training Admin workspaces.

There are two types of categories: Shared Content, and your custom categories. 

Shared Content

There is a non-editable category automatically added called Shared Content. This is the category where users can send content if they want to share it with other users of the Academy.

This is a default category that cannot be deleted or edited. The rules about who will have read and write access for this category can be edited from Resources, similarly to the other categories (see below), or through the Academy Settings as an Admin. 

Add Sections

To add a section, select Edit Categories on the right.


Select Add new section, and name the new section.


Editing Sections

To edit the read and write permissions of a section, just click on the Settings icon in front of the section’s title. A set of functions will appear allowing you to:

  1. Change Permissions,
  2. Rename the Section,
  3. Add a Category and
  4. Delete the Section.


By clicking the Lock icon, the following screen will be displayed allowing you to add or modify permissions for the Section. Admins and Content Managers have access to all sections with no specific permissions required.


Give the permissions you want (read, write, or both) to Training Managers or All Employees by clicking on the relevant checkbox.

You can also choose specific jobs and give permissions to specific units and above units. To do so, click on the Add Job/ Unit Criteria option and select the desired job(s), above unit(s), and unit(s).



  1. Click on "view selected" to easily filter only the selected values.
  2. If you click on the "All" option one time, you will select all current and future items. By clicking twice on the "All" option, you will select all the current options allowing you to deselect some of the selected options if needed.

Finally, Save to update the section.

Created Categories

To edit the read and write permissions of a category, just click on the Settings icon in front of the category's title. A set of functions will appear allowing you to:

1. Change Permissions,

2. Rename the Category,

3. Add a subcategory and

4. Delete the category.


By clicking the Lock icon, the following screen will be displayed allowing you to add or modify permissions for the category. Admins and Content Managers have access to all categories with no specific permissions required.


Give the permissions you want (read, write, or both) to Training Managers or All Employees by clicking on the relevant checkbox.

You can also choose specific jobs and give permissions to specific units and above units. To do so, click on the Add Job / Unit Criteria option and select the desired job(s), above unit(s), and unit(s).




1. Click on "view selected" to easily filter only the selected values.

2. If you click on the "All" option one time, you will select all current and future items. By clicking twice on the "All" option, you will select all the current options allowing you to deselect some of the selected options if needed.


Finally, Save to update the category.


  • A section presents the content of all its categories and subcategories.
  • A category presents the content of all its subcategories.
  • If you delete a section, all content included will be moved to the Items in deleted categories folder. In this section, each user is able to see the items that they uploaded and have the option to either delete them permanently or move them to another section. Admins are able to see all of the deleted items within this folder.
  • If you delete a category, all content included will be moved to the Items in deleted categories folder. In this category, each user is able to see the items that they uploaded and have the option to either delete them permanently or move them to another category. Admins are able to see all of the deleted items within this folder.Category.PNG
  • If you delete a subcategory, all content included will be listed in the parent category.

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Reordering and Moving Content Categories

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