Locating My Performance Reviews

Personal Reviews

To locate your personal performance reviews, select the Learner Workspace. Under Development on the left, select Performance Reviews.


Team Reviews and Approvals

To review performance of your team, select the Team Workspace. Under Performance Reviews on the left, you'll find some options.


  • Team Reviews: Under the Team Reviews each manager and reviewer can see the reviews in which are involved, along with the status of each review cycle. By clicking on the Review Now option the Manager will be able to see the reviews that he has to complete for the users under their org structure.
  • My Approvals: Under this tab, the Approvers will be able to find the reviews they have to approve.

Under the My Reviews, and My Team Reviews tabs you will notice a "Rating" column. This column is populated only in case of completed reviews and it indicates the total score of an employee’s performance once all reviews are completed. If there are multiple reviewers involved, the column will display an info icon instead.

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