Adding Lectures to a Course


After creating your course (see Creating a Course) you can start adding content / lectures.

Schoox gives you a high degree of freedom on how to add lectures into a Course.

You can add lectures in several ways

1) Adding from your resources.

2) Adding by uploading files.

3) Adding by using web content.

To add lectures, open your course by selecting its title (Training Admin Workspace > Manage Training > Courses). This will take you to the Course Panel. Select Lectures.

You are able to adjust the settings to your liking. You can decide whether to allow the users to fast forward the videos/audios, to download the documents and /or to copy text from document lectures.

To add lecture, select one of the options shown below.

Adding from your resources

The Add Lecture option will take you into your academy's resources. Drag and drop desired content from you resources to the bar at the bottom of the page. You can rearrange the order of content in the bar now, or wait until later. Save when finished.

Adding by Uploading Files

Upload Video, Upload Documents, Upload Scorm, Upload Presentation all work similarly to each other.

Selecting one of these options will bring up a window, where you can select an item from you computer or from one one of several online storage services. Either choose the item or drag and drop it into the box presented.

After uploading the item, you will be able to edit the title and description of the item as it should appear in the course. You can also add it to the course (as well as several other options), and how you'd like it to exist within the course.

Please Note

  • When you upload a file as a lecture, the file can also be stored in your personal library in private mode so that you can use it again.
  • When it comes to videos, you have the option to add subtitles by uploading the relevant file (ie. vtt, .srt). Please note that you should select the language prior to uploading.

  • You can also cancel the upload process if you have selected another file by accident for example. Hover over the top bar, and you will see the small X that appears at the top right corner. Click on the X button and confirm to cancel the process.

Adding by using Web Content

Import from Web allows for using content from YouTube, Vimeo or TED videos, slideshare presentations or many web pages. For the most popular content sites like YouTube, Vimeo and Slideshare Schoox keeps full track of the learner's progress and provides the instructor with basic analytic data.

Selecting Import from Web a window appears where you can enter the URL or embed code. When finished, seldect Fetch.

A window will appear. You can edit the title and description. You can also select where you'd like it to exist.


Please Note

  • No information is communicated between a video streaming site, like YouTube, except that time was spent there. Externally hosted videos may not continue correctly when revisited.
  • External videos, like YouTube, are controlled with the site's native video player. Options like those preventing a viewer from skipping ahead do not apply to externally streamed videos.
  • There isn't a way in the UI to retrieve a web link after it has been uploaded as a lecture in a course. 


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