Tracking Assessments by Person, Job, and Skill

When you have set up your skills and have been assessing your users on the skills, you can track the past assessments for more insight and clarity. This is done in the Team Workspace.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Team Workspace.

When in the Team Workspace, select My Team Dashboard and then select Skills.

This gives you three options. Assessments by skill, by job, and by person. Please note that both pages only take Manual and Automated assessments into account. Self-assessments are not contributing to the scores presented in these dashboards.


Assessments: by Skills & Jobs

Within Assessments: by Skills & Jobs you can see where each individual stands next to their peers in both on various Academy's skills and jobs. So for example, you can easily see who may be a choice to move up to manager.

Click on the Skills or Jobs tab, find the Skill or Job that you are interested in, and click on its title.

You can now see the average score for each user. Please note that the average score is coming from all non-self assessments on a certain skill or job.

Click on the user's name, to be redirected to the Assessments: by Users page for this specific user, so you will be able to further review this user's performance skills

By clicking on the graph icon, you can see the progress of the user over time.

Assessments: by Users

Within Assessments: by Users, you can see individual assessments you can filter and search to quickly find specific individuals. From this page, you can see which is the best job ranking for each user and which is the average score for this job. Moreover, you can see which is the best skill ranking per user along with the average score for this skill.

Click on the name of the user to dive into their results. You can either see the combined results (from Managers & Online Training) or check the results separately, for performance skills based on the Online Training and assessment from Managers. By clicking on a specific job or skill, you can see the progress of the user over time.


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