Scanning a QR Code to Confirm Event Attendance [mobile app]

If you are the instructor of an In-Class Event, you can scan a registrant their QR Code to take attendance.

Head to the Team Workspace. In the Menu, select Intructor-Led Training -> Registrant QR Codes.

Select the Event you want to scan the QR Codes for, then select the session.

This opens up the camera. Scan the Registrants' QR Code to register them.

If a user hasn't been marked as attended before, you will get a message saying Marked as Attended.If the user already is marked as attended, you will get a message saying User hasn't been marked as attended.

ScanQR-06cropped.PNG   ScanQR-05cropped.PNG

Tapping Next readies the app to scan the next learner's QR code.

Note that the score will always be 0%. You can manually update this in the web browser.

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Displaying QR Code to Confirm Event Attendance (Mobile)


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