Automated Assignment Rules for Purchased Courses

September 26 Release

Currently it is not possible to automatically assign a licensed or coupon course. This release will add the ability to create automated rules for all purchased courses under Advanced Assignment.


Academy Settings

You will first need to make sure the ability to assign licenses automatically in your academy settings. At least one set of licenses must have been purchased for the academy in order for this setting to appear.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Academy Workspace.

When in the Academy Workspace, select Academy Admin for all Academy Administration options. 

Select Settings and then Control Panel.

You'll find this setting under Give Out Licenses Automatically. Set this to Yes or No with the toggle, and click Save to save the change.

Setting Up Notifications

On the left, select Notifications, then Academy. Under Courses/Curricula make sure the following notifications are set up according to your preferences:

There are no more licenses for a course


There are no more coupons for a course



When assigning licenses, Schoox will automatically assign the most appropriate license — those that are closer to its expiration date, for instance.

The automated rule will apply retroactively for single-course assignments; anyone already fitting that parameters will be assigned the course, as well. There are also options to exclude members who became an academy member before a certain date, as well as to automatically unassign the course when the parameters no longer match.


This feature does not include the option to automatically purchase more coupons/licenses when they are depleted. Schoox will check to see if there are enough licenses available when an automated assignment is triggered.


If there are not enough licenses to fulfill the request, an email will be sent to either the academy super-admin or to the admin who originally purchased the course letting them know that more licenses must be purchased before the process can proceed. The rule will be paused until more licenses have been purchased.


After purchasing more licenses, the rule must be manually started again.


If the assigned course is part of a curriculum or onboarding flow, the course assignment will be paused if there is no license to assign. However, the curriculum or onboarding flow of which it is a part will be assigned. When new licenses are purchased, future individuals assigned the onboarding or curriculum will be assigned this new license. Also, individual licensed courses will also be assigned per assignment rules. However, you will need to manually allocate new licenses to those individuals with existing onboarding flows or curricula that include the paused course.

Related Articles

Purchasing Courses

Acquiring More Licenses For a Purchased Course

Setting Auto Assignment Rules

Licenses Versus Coupons

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