New Option for Expiring Certificates Notification

Notifications of expiring certificates have in the past been sent to all learners, even if they are no longer associated with the training. There is now an option to prevent those who have dropped out or are otherwise no longer participating from receiving these notifications.

This functionality covers the following notifications:

  • Notification about expiring course certificate
  • Notification about expired course certificate
  • Notification about expiring curriculum certificate
  • Notification about expired curriculum certificate
  • Notification about expired event certificate

When setting up the notification, there is a new option in the Recipients drop-down menu — Dropout User. (Employee at the top of the list has also been updated to Enrolled User.)

With the option left unchecked, individuals no longer enrolled will not receive the notification. Selecting the option will send them a notification.

If including these individuals, the notification will include a special block and variables for those individuals.

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