Locating Specific Academy Notifications

Academy notifications can be found in the Academy, Training, and Development Admin workspaces under Notifications on the left.

Academy Admin


  • Imported user summary report
  • You got a message from XXXXX
  • XXXX has added you to XXXXX
  • You are now an Admin of XXXXX
  • You are now a Training Manager of XXXXX
  • You are now a Professional Instructor of XXXXX
  • New comment on an academy wall post you are involved
  • Notification about locked out user
  • Notification when an employee is auto deactivated
  • New Wall Post Request
  • Status Change in Wall Post Request
  • New comment on your academy wall post
  • New post on academy wall
  • Notification when a job is added to an employee
  • Notification when an employee is added to an (above) unit
  • Deactivated user summary report
  • Preferred Timezone Update
  • Notification when an employee is added to XXXXX
  • Your preferred content language has been updated
  • Notification when an employee is deactivated
  • Notification when an employee is reactivated
  • Notification about limited course access


  • You have been invited to join a group
  • New request to join a group
  • New content has been shared with your group
  • A new team member joined your group
  • [Admin] has registered you to a group
  • New comment on your group wall post
  • New comment on a group wall post you are involved
  • Someone starts a new discussion
  • Someone comments on a discussion thread
  • Someone replies to any of your comment
  • New comment on group Resources Content
  • New post on group wall
  • New Group Wall Post Request
  • Status Change in Group Wall Post Request


  • Motivational notifications about Leaderboards and Games
  • Notification about Leaderboards and Games

Training Admin


  • Failed all exam attempts
  • XXX awarded you a badge on XXXXX
  • XXX accepted / declined your credits
  • New comment on Resources Content
  • Content shared from XXXXX
  • New External Credits Request

Courses / Learning Paths

* These notifications are also found at the course / learning path level, which override that academy notification for that course or learning path.

  • [Employee] enrolled in a course
  • [Employee] reviewed your course
  • You have been awarded a certificate*
  • Bulk import courses
  • New lecture added to a course; new course added to a learning path
  • Bulk import learning paths
  • New announcement for your course/learning path*
  • Invitation to enroll in a course/learning path*
  • You have been assigned a course/learning path*
  • Course/Learning path (un)assignments status
  • You have been assigned to retake a course
  • Your course/learning path has been successfully copied
  • Notification about course poll
  • New Course/Learning path enrollment request*
  • Your Course/Learning path enrollment has been approved/not been approved
  • Course that was part of Learning path was archived
  • Course step available by scheduler
  • Notification about Courses / Learning paths assignment by rule
  • A lecture has been updated
  • Course available by learning path scheduler
  • Notification about due date update
  • You have been awarded a badge
  • New Discussion Board Post Request
  • Status Change in Discussion Board Post Request
  • Notification about Courses / Learning paths assignments
  • Manager gets email notification when enrolled learner has failed the exam
  • [Employee] completed a course
  • Notification about learning path due date update
  • You have been unassigned from a course/learning path
  • Notification about bulk Courses/Learning paths oblige to retake
  • Notification about retirement date update
  • Notification when a coupon’s expiration date is reached
  • You have been assigned to retake a learning path
  • There are no more coupons for a course
  • There are no more licenses for a course

On-the-Job Training

  • Learner gets email notification when they are ready for On-the-Job Training
  • Manager gets email notification when learner is ready for On-the-Job Training
  • Manager gets email notification when learner has completed the required On-the-Job Training
  • On-the-Job Training: Home Assignment
  • Learner gets email notification when manager comments on their On-the-Job Training
  • On-the-Job Training: (Un)assignment
  • You have been assigned to retake an On-the-Job Training
  • Learner gets email notification when trainer has completed their On-the-Job Training


  • XXXXX has invited you to a training event
  • Your participation for a training event has been approved
  • Details about your training event have been changed
  • User has registered to a training event
  • You have been registered for a training event
  • You have been unregistered from a training event
  • Your training event has been cancelled
  • Notification about a new training event offer
  • Your Event registration has been received
  • Your Event registration was not approved
  • User has responded to a training event invitation
  • You are invited to tell us your opinion about an event
  • You have been awarded a Certificate for attending an event
  • Bulk import events
  • Your training event has been restored
  • You have been added as an Instructor to an event
  • Event has been completed
  • Share your feedback about an event

Development Admin


  • Request Assessment


  • Completed Coaching Session Overview
  • New Coaching Session [Learner]
  • New Coaching Session [Coach]
  • New Coaching Target Assignment
  • Coaching Target Change
  • Coaching Target Archival
  • Coaching form template change
  • Coaching Session Change
  • Coaching Session Cancellation
  • Ask the learner to attend a session they declined if the coach changes it
  • Learner accepted a coaching session they previously declined
  • Learner signed off on a coaching session they attended
  • Admin deleted a coaching topic


  • You have been assigned a new Goal
  • Your Goal has been accomplished
  • Your Goal has an updated status
  • Your Goal has been deleted
  • [Employee] created a goal

Performance Reviews

  • Your Performance Review has been approved
  • Your Performance Review has been declined
  • Self-reviewer's review is ready
  • Co-planner's review is ready
  • Your Review is ready
  • Employee has signed off
  • Approval Request for Performance Review
  • Invite a co-planner
  • Your review has been requested
  • Notification about Performance Reviews moved to calibration status
  • Notification about Performance Reviews released from calibration status
  • Performance Reviews Reset Self-Review
  • Performance Reviews Reset Reviewers
  • Performance Reviews Reset Co-Planner
  • Review Profile Import processing completed
  • Performance Review Feedback completed
  • Non-recurring performance reviews were launched
  • Assign new managers for performance reviews
  • Transferred employees ready for reviews
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