Gadgets per Workspace
If you are used to our old design, you may have used gadgets on your homepage.
In the New Experience, the rows shown in your workspaces' main areas are called Streams. Most only appear when there is information related to that stream, for example: if you do not have any overdue training, the Overdue stream will not appear under Training -> My Training in the Learner Workspace.
Streams can be moved around so you can order them in the way you like. Some of the gadgets you would have found on your homepage in Legacy can now be found as streams.
You also still have gadgets you can customize. These are available in your sidebar. Find out more about that here: Managing the Sidebar (Learner)
This article shows which streams are the equivalent of your old gadgets, and where you can find them.
Learner Workspace
Go to Training -> Calendar
Courses in Progress
Go to Training -> My Training. Courses in progress are found under Training in progress.
Learning Paths in Progress
Go to Training -> My Training. Learning Paths in progress are found under Learning Paths in progress.
Favorite Content
Go to Resources. Favorites are found under Favorites.
Most Popular Content
Go to Resources. Most popular content is found under Most Popular.
Most Popular Courses and Learning Paths
Go to Training -> Catalog. The most popular courses and learning paths are found under Most Popular.
New Messages
Click on the message icon next to your profile.
Overdue Courses
Go to Training -> My Training. You can find a snapshot of the overdue courses under My Analytics Snapshot -> Overdue.
Promoted Content
Go to Resources. Promoted content is found under Promoted.
Promoted Courses
Go to Training -> Catalog. Promoted courses are found under Featured Training.
Promoted Learning Paths
Go to Training -> Catalog. Promoted Learning Paths are found under Featured Training.
Quick Training Dashboard
Go to Analytics.
Recently Awarded Certificates
Go to Analytics -> Certificates Progress
Recently Viewed Content
Go to Resources in the . Recently viewed content is under Recently viewed.
Suggested Courses
Go to Training -> Catalog. Under the Recommendations tab in the top menu, you can find an overview of courses suggested in the Academy.
You can also find automatically generated suggested courses on the bottom of each course their about page.
Trainee Pending On-the-Job Training
Go to Training -> My Training. Unfinished On-the-Job Training is found under Training in progress.
Social Workspace
Go to Game Center -> Games. All games you are allowed to edit are found here.
Go to Game Center -> Leaderboards.
New Newsfeed Posts
Go to Feed.
Suggested Groups
Go to Groups -> All Groups.
Team Workspace
Go to Home. Announcements are found under Announcements.
Go to Home. The Calendar is found under Calendar.
Learning Path Status per Employee
Go to My Team Dashboard -> Training. Select Learning Paths in the top menu. Click on the learning path to see the status per employee.
My Team Quick Dashboard
Go to Home. This is found under My Team's Quick Dashboard.
Trainer Pending On-the-Job Training
Go to Home. This is found under Trainer's pending On-the-Job Training
Academy - Training Admin Workspace
Go to Home.
Academy - Academy Admin Workspace
Go to Home.