Tracking Your Progress With Analytics

Analytics Homepage

Within the Learner Workspace, you have access to your own analytics. These are various options to see and track your own progress within the academy. 

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Learner Workspace. 

When in the Learner Workspace, select Analytics. This gives you an overview of all available analytics regarding your progress in the Academy.

There are many different options, all looking at a different aspect of your current status and progress in the academy, giving you a visual overview of how you are doing. The different options are divided between training and development and called buckets. You can either access them from the main Analytics page, or by selecting the bucket from the navigation within any other bucket.

Based on the options your admin made available within the academy, the above picture shows which analytics you can access. The imagine below shows the navigation between each bucket, and how these are divided between training and development.


Assignment Insights

Your assignment insights are a high-level training overview. 

The first part focuses on your completions. You can see your completions, and what kind of content you completed, by year, 6 months, past 30 days, past 7 days, yesterday, and all time. It also shows you the amount of completions, the completion rate, and time spent on courses.

Scrolling down, you will see detailed insights on your courses, as well as the completion per training type.

Below that, you can find your best learning paths and exams. Scrolling all the way to the bottom, you will find an overview of your certificates, showing which certificates you have earned and which you yet have to earn.

Learning Path Progress

The learning path progress, or the Learning paths bucket, will give you a more detailed overview of the learning paths you are enrolled in or have completed. Click on the relevant learning path to see the time spent, insights, skills connected, completions, completion rate and related courses.

Course Insights

The Course Insights, or the Courses bucket, will give you more details per course. It gives you an overview of your progress for all courses. Click any course to see the details for the selected course.

Certificates Progress

Under Certificates Progress, or the Certificates bucket, you can find an overview of your certificates. It also shows your current, soon-to-expire, and expired certificates. You can click on any certificate in the list to find more information about the specific certificate.

Goal Achievements

In Goal Achievement, or the Goals Bucket (under Development), you can find more information on the goals you have. It will give an overview of all goals at once, and more details per goal when you click on them.

Skill Development

In Skill Development (or the Skill bucket under Development), you get an overview of all skills you have. The default shows the statistics for all of them at once. Selecting one from the list gives a more detailed overview of the specific skill.

Performance Reviews

In Performance Reviews you get a quick overview of all performance reviews. Once again, the default will show you an overview of all reviews at once. Clicking on a specific performance review will give you more details on this.

On-the-Job Training Progress

In On-the-Job Training Progress (or the On-the-Job Training bucket), you get an overview of all On-the-Job Trainings you have been assigned or completed. The default shows the statistics for all of them at once. Selecting one from the list gives a more detailed overview of the specific training.

Events Progress

In Events Progress (or the Events bucket), you get an overview of all Events you have been registered for or partook in. The default shows the statistics for all of them at once. Selecting one from the list gives a more detailed overview of the specific event.

Exams Results

In Exam Results (or the Exams bucket), you get an overview of all Exams you have been registered for or partook in. The default shows the statistics for all of them at once. Selecting one from the list gives a more detailed overview of the specific exam.

Earned Credit

In Earned Credit (or the Credit bucket under Development), you get an overview of all credits you earned and where you earned them. The default shows the statistics for all of them at once. Selecting one from the list gives a more detailed overview of the specific credits.

Assessments Insight

In Assessments Insight (or the Assessments bucket under Development), you get an overview of all assessments you have been assigned. The default shows the statistics for all of them at once. Selecting one from the list gives a more detailed overview of the specific assesment.


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