SCORM Error "MissingKeyMissing Key-Pair-ID query parameter or cookie value"

A SCORM file may function correctly on a PC. However, when attempting to complete it using the app on an iPhone or iPad, the following error may appear:

"MissingKeyMissing Key-Pair-Id query parameter or cookie value"

Specifically, when launching a SCORM course in the iOS Schoox app, you may encounter the above error. This message commonly appears when cookies are blocked, which aligns with Apple's default security policies.

Cause of the issue

The iOS Schoox app utilizes Apple's WKWebView, which enforces a strict policy that blocks all third-party cookies. This behavior is similar to having "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" enabled, and Apple does not provide a way to override this restriction.

Recommended actions

Since it is not possible to modify Apple's default security settings, we strongly recommend sharing this information with the engineers responsible for your authoring tool. If feasible, consider adjusting the SCORM course to function without relying on third-party cookies. This adjustment will help ensure the course can be launched successfully in the iOS Schoox app.

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