Navigating the On-the-Job Training Listings Page

Your manager or courses may assign an On-the-Job Training to you. To find the On-the-Job Trainings available to you, go to the Learning Workspace and navigate to Training -> My Training. In the top navigation, select the On-the-Job Training tab. This will send you to a page that has the entire On-the-Job Training (OJT) catalog of your academy. On this page, you can search through all OJTs that are available to you! 

On-the-Job Trainings visible to you

In general, the set of On-the-Job Trainings that is available for you on this page is primarily defined by the Categories that you have access to. You can see these categories on the right side of your screen.

Subsequently, the set of On-the-Job Trainings you will be able to see depends on your role and the permissions you have in your Academy. More specifically: 

Regular User
As a regular user, you will only be able to see On-the-Job Training that are connected to courses you are enrolled in or the On-the-Job Training that you already enrolled in. 

Read More: Completing an On-the-Job Training Task


As a Manager, for sure you will be able to see On-the-Job Training that are connected to courses you are enrolled in or the On-the-Job Training that you already enrolled in. 

Then depending on your permissions, you might be able to see:

1) All Standalone On-the-Job Trainings that are under the categories you have access to
2) All Course-connected On-the-Job Trainings that you can sign-off as a trainer

If you are the Creator of an On-the-Job Training then you will be able to see the Manage On-the-Job Training option under the On-the-Job Trainings that you are a creator of.

Training Manager

As a Training Manager, for sure you will be able to see On-the-Job Trainings that are connected to courses you are enrolled in or the On the Job Trainings that you already enrolled in. 

Then depending on your permissions, you might be able to see:
1) All Standalone On-the-Job Trainings
2) All Course-connected On-the-Job Trainings that you can sign-off as a trainer

If you are the Creator of an On-the-Job Training then you will be able to see the Manage On-the-Job Training option under the On-the-Job Trainings that you are a creator of.

As an Admin you will be able to see and manage all On-the-Job Trainings and categories that exist within the Academy.

Finding the On-the-Job Training you want

To find the events you want you can use the filters and search bar. You can filter by OJT type, and/or Order the results by options such as the Priority or Creation Date. 

Moreover, on the right side of the screen, you have the option to filter the OJts by Category or the Skills connected to them.

Please note that the categories available to you will only be the ones you have permission to access. 

What information can I see for each OJT?

Under each On-the-Job Training item, you may be able to see information such as:

1) If it's a Course-connected or Standalone OJT
2) The specific course it's connected with (for Course-Connected OJTs)
3) The number of Tasks within this OJT
4) Your progress in this OJT


Read more on how to create an OJT: Creating On-the-Job Training

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