Schoox enables Academy Admins to set up Goals within their Academy, allowing for goals to be set at an organizational, team, or individual level. your entire organization, your teams, or users can set personal goals. Goals are typically structured around a pillar with multiple areas, ensuring easy tracking. Organizational- and Team Goals can include additional content to give learners more resources, as well as a collaborative chat function where new updates and discussion takes place. Goals can also be used as a scoring metric in Performance Reviews.
To enable this feature, you need to be an Academy Admin.
Enabling Goals
In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Academy Workspace.
When in the Academy Workspace, select Development Admin.
Select Settings and then select Control Panel.
Under Performance, enable the Goals Management feature. Save when finished.
Additional Settings
There are multiple settings under the Goals Management tab in the Performance setting. These settings help you fine-tune your goals to ensure they fit your needs.
Pillars are the fundamental categories for your goals and have Areas as their subcategories. These are often based on business needs, and the reason you set goals for. For example: "Business sustainability" could be a Pillar, whereas "Upselling" and "Renewals" could be Areas. If this function is on, you can create pillars and areas. If it is off, all goals will automatically be categorized as "Without pillar."
Only Academy Admins can set up pillars and areas.
Employees can create self-created goals
If this option is turned on, learners can set their own, personal, goals. More information on Personal Goals can be found here: Creating a Personal Goal
Besides the creator the Goal can also be edited by
If Assigned Employee is checked, employees who have been assigned the goal are able to update the progress. If the learner is not an Admin or the Goal Creator, the score will show as Unverified until the assigner verifies it.
Permissions decide how goals can be assigned and viewed.
Only direct reports: In this case, you will be asked to define direct reports and select one of the following options:
- Members directly associated with the (Above) Unit of the Supervisor as well as the Manager(s) of the (Above) Units one level below
- Only members directly associated with the (Above) Unit of the Supervisor.
- Entire sub-organization: In this case, the manager will be able to assign goals to all of the users under their organizational structure.
Only direct reports: A manager will be able to see only the goals of his direct reports, i.e. one level down.
- Entire sub-organization: A manager will be able to see the goals of all employees that are at any level below them.
Assign Team goals to co-managers of the (Above) unit
If this option is checked, managers can assign goals to co-managers in the same (above) unit.
A goal's supervisor can edit and delete the goal's tasks, files, links, and courses
Goals can have tasks and resources added to them. If this option is on, it gives a goal's supervisor the permission to edit and delete these.
Due Date is required for Goal Creation
If this option is on, Due Date will be a required field when creating a goal.
Rating scale [When embedded in Performance Reviews]
If a Goal Section is added to a performance review, it needs a rating. This option lets you decide how what the default rating will look like for goals.
Goals will
Here you can select if the default option for a goal should remain associated with a user through an organizational transfer or not. You have two options:
- Follow team members as they move roles or departments
- Stay only with the team members who match the assignment criteria
If the "Follow team members as they move roles or departments" option is selected, then if a user is assigned a Goal and is then moved to a new Job or new Org Node, the Goal will remain associated with the user.
Show Goal chat in Performance Reviews
If this option is on, the team chat will show after a performance review that includes this goal is created.
Next steps
Managers with the Create & Assign Goal permission are now enabled able to create and assign goals in order to achieve the targets that have been set. They are able to cascade organizational goals based on hierarchy, and have an overview of goals progress at a glance.
You have now completed the basic setup for your goals. Next, it is time to define which (Above) Units will participate in this feature and which jobs should be able to view and assign goals!
To do so please check the article: Defining Goals Management Participation