Setting Up an Onboarding Plan

The Onboarding module in Schoox allows Administrators and Managers who have the Create Onboarding Profiles permission enabled to design a training schedule for all new employees as well as for employees that changed jobs in the company.

Onboarding allows administrators and managers to design and execute the training process as well as monitor the employees’ progress. Moreover, users with managerial jobs with the Reporting permission enabled have access to the Monitoring The Onboarding Process in order to be able to track the progress of the users under their org structure.

Enabling Onboarding

To utilize the Onboarding module in your academy, you must first enable the Onboarding module.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Admin Workspace.

When in the Admin Workspace, select Training Admin for all Training Administration options. 

Select Settings and then select Control Panel.

Expand Onboarding Module and select Yes.

Then add the number of days an individual should be considered a new academy member. This can be determined by either the Academy Join Date and/or Hiring Date. New hires will not be assigned job change onboarding profiles before that time period ends.

Save when finished.

Onboarding Profiles

Onboarding profiles define each onboarding process, and allow you to start and stop the process as needed.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Team Workspace.

When in the Team Workspace, select Self-Paced Training and then select Onboarding.

Creating Onboarding Profiles

To create a new Onboarding Profile, select Create.


Give the profile a descriptive name. Then, using the drop-down menu, choose what the profile is based on — what will trigger the profile. Any date-related custom fields you've added to your user profiles will also appear in this list.


Select the appropriate Jobs, Units and Above Units, based off your organizational structure. 

Note: When selecting All Jobs, this will include users without a job.


Lastly, select whether this profile will contain an activity based flow, time based flow, or a combination of both. For time based flows, determine the total length of the entire process.

Save when finished.


Setting Up and Managing Onboarding Profiles

Once the new profile is created it will appear in the Profile list. By default, new profiles are inactive.


  • Open arrow — Begin creating the training plan
  • Edit button — Edit the profile’s parameters
  • Delete button — Delete the profile
  • On/Off switch — Activate or deactivate the profile

Note: When profiles are inactivated or turned off, those currently in the middle of that onboarding process will not receive future tasks/steps until the process is reactivated. If the user had taken the onboarding profile while it was active, the user will continue to be part of the profile even when it is deactivated. Also, the progress of the courses that the user has already done in the Onboarding, won't be removed.

Selecting the Open arrow will expand the profile so you can set up the onboarding process.



There are two different flows in which you can arrange the training: the time-based flow and the activity-based flow. You can set up your process to utilize either flow or both flows simultaneously. 

Find more information on how to set up each flow here:

Creating Onboarding Templates

You may have several similar jobs, but want to differentiate their onboarding processes. Onboarding Templates can be used to establish baseline onboarding experiences to save time and ensure a consistent plan is delivered for each of these jobs.

The process is identical to creating an Onboarding Profile.

On the top, select Templates.

After setting up your template, select the Convert to Profile button to make this template a profile.


The new Profile will be added to the Onboarding Profiles list. Please make sure to activate the profile.


The next time that you will need to create a similar profile, you do not have to create it from scratch. Just edit the existing template accordingly and Convert to Profile.

Related Articles

Setting Up a Time-Based Onboarding Plan

Setting Up an Activity-Based Onboarding Plan

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