Allocating Licenses to Academy Members

If you are an administrator and have bought a subscription plan, you can then allocate those licenses to the members of your academy.


In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Academy Workspace.

When in the Academy Workspace, select the Training Admin.

Here, select External Courses -> Licenses.

Allocating Licenses

Here, you can see all your current subscriptions, their expiration date, and the total quota as well as the used quota. Click on the Subscription you want to assign to start assigning users.

By selecting your subscription, you will see a list of your Academy's students. You can allocate licenses by selecting users manually, under Individual subscription. Click the '+' symbol to select the users, then click Subscribe.

You have also the option to use the Advanced page and allocate licenses to users based on an Organizational Template or their job and location.

Read More: Removing Licenses from Academy Members


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