Tracking Progress with My Team's Dashboard

Tracking progress and completions is essential to the learning process.

My Team’s Dashboard makes it easy to see all of this important information in one place. 


You can find My Team’s Dashboard by selecting Team in the workspace launcher. Then My Team's Dashboard on the left.


In My Team’s Dashboard you’ll find several sections. Which sections are shown here is determined by your academy’s configuration, so what you experience may differ from what you see here.


The Employees section makes it easy to view an individual’s progress. You’ll see a list of everyone in your academy to whom you have access. You can search for specific individuals or groups of individuals…


...and then either view their profiles or see a snapshot of how they're doing overall, and focus on a specific area of their learning - their coursework, onboarding, compliance, and more.


Note: The Training Gadget only reflects active courses, not necessarily all courses.

Training Tab

Selecting Training in the left menu makes it easy for you to focus on specific aspects as they relate to courses, On the Job Trainings, events, and the like.

Training Tab - Employees

Similar to the dedicated Employees tab, you are able to view the progress of individuals in specific training areas. Select view reporting...


... then the sub-tabs to navigate to the different areas.


Note: When locating a specific course, you can filter by Status.

  • All Courses shows all active, archived, and external courses in which the user is currently enrolled.
  • Dropout Courses shows active courses. Archived courses are not included. External courses are shown only if there’s an active subscription.
  • Compliance Courses shows only active courses (including external) in which the user is currently enrolled (both complete and incomplete).

Training Tab - Courses / Learning Paths

Select Course or Learning Paths to view more details on the individuals enrolled. Select the individual to dive specifically into their progress.


The wrench icon and Settings allow you to unassign the course/learning path, mark it as complete, or oblige the individual to retake the course/learning path.


Training Tab - On the Job Training

Select the On the Job Training to view more detail on the trainees. Search for the specific OJT or sort as needed. Please Note: By default, only OJTs associated with courses are shown.


Select the trainee to view their sign-off progress, and sign off on any needed tasks. The Assessment Options section allows for comments, evaluations, and document uploads.


The Assessments Matrix View gives managers or supervisors a quick, “at-a-glance” look at how their employees are performing and compare to one another against specific OJT training criteria.


  • The Assessment Matrix will only display data if a Performance Level/Score has been selected for the OJT Tasks.
  • If using Performance levels assessments, you are also able to select colors corresponding to each level to help you identify the previous performance of your employees quickly. You can set up the different colors in your On the Job Academy settings.

Training Tab - Exams

Search for and select the exam to view more information on those who took the exam. Select Details to review how participants scored in each attempt, as well as the answers given, where applicable.


Training Tab - Events

Under the Events tab, you are able to track your employees' attendance in your Academy's events.


Training Tab - Compare

This option allows you to see how all associated organizational structure items compare in their progress. Select the course, curriculum, or exam (using sub-tabs) to view the comparative progress of organizational structure items. The Details drop-down reveals individual progress.


Note: When you are in the Learning Path page, the word required under a course means this course is required for curriculum completion; optional means this course is optional.

At the same time, when you are looking at course listings, required under a course means this course got assigned to you, whereas optional means you self-enrolled for this course.



If your organization has Skills set up, you'll be able to track them easily here by Skill, Job/Topic, or Employee.



You can track your new hire's onboarding progress here, based on the plans you set up. View who is currently in a process, where they are, and the average time it takes to complete an onboarding process.



Stay current on how your compliance by employee or training program. See Managing Your Academy's Compliance Courses



You can specify types of credits, and associate them with a course, or a job, in a way that someone would know that a number of specific course credits should be acquired within a period of 6 months or a year. Credit Types work as specialization titles, reflecting the level of knowledge of the employees and the focus of their training. See Using Credits in Your Academy

You can search for a specific credit type or filter the credits by organizational criteria or period of acquisition you need to check (Current Period - All-Time).


Selecting Details shows the users that are required to gather the relevant credits, as well as the number of credits they have acquired and their completion rate for the period selected.


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