New User Experience Release Notes

9 July 2024


  • My Training: Inside By Objective Pages now retain progress as intended
  • My Training: Connected OJT URLs now redirect as intended
  • My Training: "Past Due" renamed — now "Overdue"
  • Overall: Various graphic design and font use improvements

2 July 2024


  • Calendar: Bundle event quicklook now appear as intended
  • My Training: Learning path polls now appear as intended within training
  • My Training: Poll title link now redirects as intended
  • Catalog: Course prices now appear as intended
  • My Training: Enrolled search field appears with more consistent sizing

26 June 2024


  • My Training / Catalog: Performance issues addressed
  • My Training / Catalog: Decentralized parent category show child categories as intended
  • My Training / Catalog: BizLibrary package content now appears and loads as intended
  • My Analytics: Colors now reflect academy branding
  • My Training: Analytics cards now have no hover state
  • Catalog: Start and end time filter now appears as intended
  • My Training: Virtual event URL now appears as intended
  • Calendar: Past events now appear in schedule view

18 June 2024


  • Calendar: Quicklook User's timezone appears as intended
  • Calendar: Quicklook Reserve seat button appears when event is full as intended
  • My Training: Learning Path quicklook progress now displays as intended
  • My Training: Learning Path quicklook supported languages now displays as intended
  • Catalog: Course and Learning Path Pages now display ratings as intended
  • My Training and Catalog: Search options and sorting filters now appear as intended
  • My Training: Overview Stream sorting now functions as intended

11 June 2024


  • Catalog: Various UI improvements and fixes
  • Catalog: Recommendation Explore by Category now functions as intended
  • Manage Training: Public Learning Paths now appear as intended
  • Overall experience: Course estimated time seconds now visible as intended
  • Catalog: Recommendation descriptions now appear as intended
  • Overall experience: Quicklook OJT types now appearing as intended
  • Catalog: Subscription information now appears as intended when purchasing
  • Catalog: Subscription pricing and discount now appears as intended when purchasing
  • Catalog: Buy this Course button now no longer appears when course is free
  • Catalog: License and Subscription option now will no longer appear if it shouldn't
  • Catalog: Subscription billing information now appears as intended when purchasing
  • Catalog: Subscription errors now appear as intended when purchasing
  • Catalog: Coupon with no expiration date now will no longer show "Expires" label
  • Catalog: Enroll button now no longer appears when it shouldn't

5 June 2024


  • Catalog: Event Preview button now available as intended
  • My Training: Various Enrolled, Assigned, and Completed sub-page refinements
  • Catalog: Category titles now truncated upon return
  • My Training: Enrolled tab list view persists as intended
  • Catalog: Learner learning path about page QR code now appears as intended
  • Overall Experience: Events About page event date format now matches user date preferences
  • Overall Experience: Learning Path About page compliance tag now appears correctly
  • Overall Experience: Learning Path About page custom attributes drop-down type now appears correctly
  • Overall Experience: Learning Path About page estimated time now appears correctly
  • Overall Experience: Learning Path About page time spent now appears correctly
  • Overall Experience: Virtual Event About page Manage Registration button now redirects correctly
  • Overall Experience: Learning Path About page sections now appears correctly
  • My Training: Completed expiration dates filter now appears as intended
  • My Training: Favorite labels now persist as intended
  • My Training: Assigned tags now appear as intended
  • Overall Experience: Learning Path About page three-dot menu no longer appears without options
  • Catalog: Virtual Events About page Back to Catalog button now redirects as intended

29 May 2024


  • Catalog: Learner About Page Back to Catalog link now redirects back to catalog as intended
  • Catalog: Learner About Page ratings now appear as intended
  • Catalog: Recommendation compliance / explore streams now loads more elements as intended
  • My Training: Completed View by Completion date now sorts as intended
  • My Training: Completed progress bars now appear as intended
  • Catalog: BizLibrary Course / learning path pages selected categories and subcategories now filter as intended
  • Catalog: Course and learning path decentralized sub categories now appear as intended
  • My Training: Self-Enrolled stream no longer include assigned content
  • Calendar: Multiple offer in-class evens now appear correctly
  • Training Admin WS: ILT Event panel actions now appear as intended
  • Training Admin WS: Course Panel Manage Events Edit page now redirects as intended
  • Overall Experience: Various 403 and 404 error safeguards and refinements
  • My Training: Quicklook pop-up instructor list now shows correct information
  • My Training: Drop-down menu reliability and usability improvements
  • Overall Experience: Equivalent links now redirect as intended
  • Training Admin WS — ILT Event Panel — Manage Offers Page: Repetition Frequency & Attendance Rules moved to top of page when appropriate
  • Training Admin WS — ILT Event Panel — Manage Offers Page: Invitation-based functionality now works as intended

21 May 2024


  • My Training: Event About Page non-bundled events no longer appear if not a bundled event
  • My Training: Events About Page additional details custom attribute type drop down now shows the value as intended
  • My Training: Virtual Event About Page no longer shows location icon
  • My Training: Event About Page amount of steps now appears as intended
  • My Training: In-Class Event About Page connected course / learning path links now redirect as intended
  • My Training: In-Class Event About Page amount of steps now appears as intended
  • My Training: Event About Page date no longer appears in header
  • My Training: Event About Page deadline no longer appears in header
  • My Training: Event About Page seats available no longer appears in header
  • My Training / Catalog: BizLibrary packages now load when opened as intended
  • My Training: Prerequisite blocks now function as intended
  • My Training: Prerequisite blocks now show estimated duration as intended
  • Calendar: Event registration status filters now function as intended
  • Calendar: Multi-day events now appear on all days as intended
  • Calendar: Instructor filtering now displays results correctly
  • Calendar: Attendee status filter now functions as intended
  • Calendar: Skills filter now functions as intended
  • Calendar: Metrics filter now functions as intended
  • Calendar: Event details pop-up now displays event ID as intended
  • Calendar: Pricing Status filter now functions as intended
  • Catalog: Course estimated time now is hidden when estimated duration unavailable
  • Calendar: Expiration and Due Dates now found under the Deadlines filters
  • Calendar: Skills filter now functions as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Learning path completed step now shows Certificate earned as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Learning path course details view more link now redirects to the course about page as intended
  • My Training: Additional details custom attribute now returns value as intended
  • Calendar: Today button in Schedule view is now present
  • Overall Course Experience: On-the-Job Training now displays correctly on more screen resolutions
  • Overall Course Experience: Resume exam now takes learner to first unanswered question
  • Overall Course Experience: Exam Retake button is no longer missing and functioning correctly
  • Calendar: In-class Event pop-up menu now shows Bonus Content is intended
  • My Training: Quicklook pop-up included information additions
  • My Training: Quicklook pop-up title and rating improvements
  • My Training: Overview Past Due now shows assigned label and due date
  • My Training / Catalog: Instructor name now appears as intended
  • Calendar: Times now adjust as intended after user timezone is changed
  • Overall Course Experience: Locked courses now unlocks correctly within a learning path with mandatory course order
  • Overall Course Experience: Learning Path Bonus Content now shows download button
  • Catalog: Quickview pop-up course rating and stars now visible
  • My Training: Quicklook pop-ups now display +More instructor list as intended

14 May 2024


  • Calendar: Learning path pop-ups now show Instructor info as intended
  • Calendar: In-class event pop-ups now show Instructor info as intended
  • Calendar: In-class event pop-ups now show attending learner info as intended
  • Calendar: Virtual event pop-ups now show Instructor info as intended
  • Calendar: Virtual event pop-ups now show attending learner info as intended
  • Calendar: Course now no longer appears as event on schedule view
  • Calendar: Event pop-ups now consistently show related days as intended
  • Calendar: Event pop-ups now consistently show related duration as intended
  • Calendar: Event pop-ups now consistently show available seats as intended
  • Calendar: Schedule view now only shows events within selected date range as intended
  • My Training: Learning path reviews now include Show more button as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Video exam questions now function as intended when selecting an option
  • My Training: Learning paths now show correct progress in learning paths list
  • My Training: Learning paths now no longer show show all option in learning paths list when there is nothing to show
  • My Training>Assigned: Various Configuration options improvements
  • My Training>Overview: Various stream fixes
  • Analytics>Events: Full duration of events are now shown
  • Analytics>Events: Various Event details fixes
  • Analytics>Courses: Dropped out results now appear as intended
  • My Training: Filters now persist between tabs as intended
  • My Training>Standalone OJT: Open in Resources option now works as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Enrolled course options no longer show courses in which user is not enrolled
  • Overall Course Experience: Learning Path completion pop-up now appears after completion

7 May 2024


  • Overall Course Experience: PDF lectures now show progress as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Exam completion page now appears as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Lecture completion check marks appear as intended, without need for page refresh
  • Overall Course Experience: Re-enrollment now functions as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Completion page now functions as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Next button now stays visible as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Video lectures now shows progress as intended
  • Overall Course Experience: Failed prequalification exams now no longer count as a completed step
  • Overall Course Experience: PDF lecture side panels no longer appear unintentionally while scrolling
  • Overall Course Experience: High resolution images now appear as intended when used as lectures

30 April 2024


  • Learning Path About Page: Enroll button now changes to Pending approval as intended
  • Learning Path About Page: Instructor profile now accessible as intended
  • Goals: Message added if the user has no goals
  • My Training Overview: Self-enrolled information now appears as intended
  • Goals: Both individual and academy filtered goals now appear as intended, and now includes a notification where needed
  • Goals: Create Personal button will no longer appear where it shouldn't due to settings
  • General: Previously selected filters no longer persist when moving between areas
  • My Training>Overview: Past Due date now appears as intended
  • My Training: Quicklook links now open external courses
  • My Training: Quicklook links now open external courses
  • My Training>Overview: Analytics Snapshot button no longer appears for external users
  • My Training>Completed: Sorting option now appears as intended
  • My Training>Overview: Multiple learning path modal now functions as intended
  • My Training>Enrolled: No results graphic no longer appears prematurely
  • My Training>Quicklook: Virtual event information now appearing as intended
  • My Training>Enrolled: Favorited OJTs now appear as intended
  • My Training>Search: Course option now appearing as intended when sorting
  • My Training>Enrolled: Sorting by training type now returns results as intended
  • My Training: Total Duration now appears as intended when 100% zoom in Chrome
  • My Training>Enrolled: OJT progress now appears as intended
  • My Training>External Courses: About Pages now opening as intended
  • My Training>Enrolled: OJTs now load as intended
  • My Training: Search, Filter of left, and View by options now work together as intended
  • Analytics: Category filter now returns correct category options when changing buckets
  • My Training: OJT Quicklook now returns data as intended
  • My Training: Event About Page links now appear as intended for Head of users
  • My Training: Self Development Title now appears as intended
  • My Training: By Objective filter now persists on objective's page
  • My Training: By Objective pages now contain titles
  • Learner About Page: Course instructor profile now accessible as intended

23 April 2024


  • About Page: Add Review button now functions as intended
  • Learning Path About Page: Continue button now reads Start when initially visiting
  • Learning Path About Page: Continue button now reads Resume when returning
  • About Page: Assigned indicator now appears as intended
  • Virtual Event About Page: Timezone now correctly reflects user's timezone
  • In-class/Virtual Event: Date,Time, and Location Popover now appears as intended
  • Calendar: Manage Option now appears in popover where appropriate
  • Calendar: Event Date and Time now appears in popover where appropriate
  • My Training>Assigned: Completed content no longer appears
  • My Training>Assigned/Enrolled: Selected content now responds as designed
  • My Training>Assigned/Enrolled: Load More option now accessible as designed
  • Analytics>Assessments: Load More option now responds as designed
  • Analytics>Credits: Load More option now responds as designed
  • Analytics>Certificates: Sorting options now functions as designed
  • Analytics>Certificates: Active and Expired filter now functions as designed when no data available
  • On-the-Job Training: Completion redirect now functions as designed
  • My Training>Overview: Timezone is now link to personal preferences

16 April 2024


  • Catalog: Filtering and Sorting options now persist between sessions
  • My Training>Overview: Profile Photo now appears correctly
  • My Training>Overview: Link improvements in various streams
  • My Training>Overview: Time Zone now links to Profile correctly
  • My Training>Overview: Longer titles no longer obstructs progress bar
  • My Training>Enrolled: Both Grid and List View now available
  • My Training>Enrolled: View By Date no longer results in 403 error
  • My Training>Enrolled/Assigned: Content Streams now displaying correct content type
  • My Training>Completed: View by completion now produces correct results
  • My Training>Completed: Filters now function properly
  • My Training>Completed: "By objective" and "State" now function correctly
  • My Training>Assigned: View by due date no longer results in 403 error
  • My Training>Quick Look: Registered events no longer display "Register" button
  • My Training: By Objective view no longer displays "State" filter
  • Lecture: Longer titles will now appear correctly
  • Performance Reviews: Correct empty state will now appear
  • Lecture: Spreadsheets and Presentations will no longer be labeled as PDFs
  • List view and "View by completion date" persists upon refresh


  • My Training/Catalog: Grid and List Views now show up to 16 items

9 April 2024


  • Academy Marketplace: Contact Sales button will no longer appear within Academy Marketplace courses; user should instead see Redeem a coupon or License / Subscriptions


  • Learner, Team, Training Admin Workspaces: Library is now Resources. This is a terminology change only; functionality remains unchanged
  • Right Panel: Shortcuts in the right panel have been updated. Up to six may appear at once. Read more in this article
  • Right Panel: Shortcuts' colors can now be influenced by the academy's primary colors, as other elements are. Your academy's primary colors can be set (currently this is done on the Schoox side), which will then affect specific elements throughout your academy (more details soon)
  • Cover Image: Cover images will now include a gradient overlay. This may cause images to appear somewhat darker than the original

2 April 2024


  • Social Workspace: Users will no longer have access to group polls when groups are disabled in the academy
  • Social Workspace: Training Managers no longer have access to games to which they shouldn't have access
  • Learner Menu: Development data no longer displays in app when it shouldn't
  • Development Admin Workspace | Skills | Group Skills & Connect to Courses: Users without permission no longer have access
  • Team Workspace | My Team Dashboard: Sessions and Coaches tabs no longer appear while logged in as Coach role or job
  • Course: X in upper-right now returns learner to My Training Overview page


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