Utilizing the Social Feed

The Feed in the Social Workspace is a place to share updates and see news of your peers' activities.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Social Workspace.

Setting up the Feed

When in the Social Workspace, select Settings.

Here, you can set up the different settings for the Social Workspace.

For the Feed, the following settings are available:

Setting On Off
Feed The feed is visible and accessible to users. The feed is not visible and accessible. It will not show up in the navigation.
Feed posts need admin approval before they're published Admins must approve posts before they are visible on the feed. If users make a post, it will automatically show up on the feed.
Show auto-generated posts

Select which posts will automatically show on the feed.

No auto-generated posts will show on the feed.
Allow reactions and comments on auto-generated posts (Only available if auto-generated posts are turned on) Users can comment and react to auto-generated posts. Users cannot comment and react to auto-generated posts.
Allow team members to edit their posts When someone makes a post, they can edit it later. Posts cannot be edited.
Users can see feed posts only coming from their brand Admins can choose to post to a specific brand. If this option is on, users can only see the posts made to their brand. Users can see all posts.

Turn on the feed and decide what you want to show in the settings.

Feed Permissions

Note that not everyone can view - or post to - the feed by default. You need to make sure the jobs or roles have the View Feed permission turned on for users to view the feed, and Post to Feed to make sure they can post.

Defining Permissions per Job

Academy Role Permissions

Navigating to the Feed

When in the Social Workspace, select Feed.

This sends you directly to the Feed.

Utilizing the Feed

Utilizing the Feed - Published

Under the Published tab, you will find all published content to the feed. How much you can see here depends on the settings.

You can use the filter to narrow it down to posts from specific roles in your Academy.


If you have posting permission, you will see a bar next to your profile picture saying: What's on your mind? Click this to start creating a post.

Posts are made using a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) editor, meaning you can use the mark-up options to make your post look prettier and better organized. You can also add content in the form of URL's, images, documents, and gifs.

Before publishing the post, you can decide whether you want to publish it to a specific brand. If you do this and the Users can only see posts from their brand setting is turned on, users in that brand will be able to see it, whereas users from other brands will not.

You can also schedule posts, having them published at a later date.

For existing posts, there are a few options. If you created the post, you will see a few more options than if someone else did.

Only available for admins and the post creator: Deletes the post.

Only available if Edit Posts is turned on in the settings. Only available for post creator. Edit the post.

Only available for admins. Pins the post.

Leave a react.

Reply to post.

Utitlizing the Feed - Pinned

The Pinned tab shows all posts pinned to the feed. These will not show up on top under Published, rather, the Pinned tab itself is the way to see posts that Admins have decided are important.

Posts can be deleted and unpinned from here by admins, as well as responded to by everyone.

Utilizing the Feed - Scheduled

The Scheduled tab will show all scheduled posts.

If you want to change the date of a scheduled post, click on the Edit icon, change the date, and select Save.

Privacy Settings - Who Can See Your Posts

You can manage who is able to see your post on the wall.

Access Your Settings

  1. Select your avatar in the top-right corner.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Settings.

Customize your Preferences

  1. Go to Privacy and Preferences.

2. Go to Privacy Settings and scroll down to Feed.

3. Change who can see your posts:

  • Everyone
  • Connections
  • Only Me.


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