Accessing My Assigned Training

In Schoox, you can find all training in which you are currently enrolled or that has been assigned to you under one place: the My Training page.


In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Learner Workspace. 

When you are in the Learner Workspace, click on Training and then select My Training. 

My Training includes all of the courses, learning paths, microlearning, instructor-led events, and On-the-Job trainings you have either been assigned or to which you've enrolled. 

You will see three tabs:

  • Overview: This is an overview of all your currently assigned training, as well as your current training status.
  • In Progress: This shows all training that you are enrolled in 
  • Completed: This shows all training you have completed.

The available tabs.


The overview tab gives you an overview of your current training.

My Annotations shows you how many annotations you made on different kinds of training. For example, in the below screenshot all annotations have been made on courses, with a total of five notes (notes and highlights) and one clip. You can click on it to view all your annotations. See Using Annotations in Courses and Learning Paths to learn more on how to use them.

My Annotations example.

The Training in progress stream shows all training you are currently working on. You can scroll left to right to see more. It also shows whether you enrolled yourself or got the training assigned, which kind of training it is, your current progress, the rating of the training, and the expected time to complete.

The Self enrolled stream only shows training you enrolled in voluntarily. It will not show any training that has been assigned to you by someone else.

Hovering over a training gives you the option to select Quick View, which gives you more information and lets you go to the training or learning path it is connected to. 


Training in progress and Self enrolled streams.

Quick View example


Your My Analytics Snapshot gives a quick overview of the status of your training. You can learn more about your Analytics here: Tracking Your Progress With Analytics


Analytics Options

Total Time: Total time spent in training.

Total Courses: Total courses you enrolled in.

Completions: Total courses you completed.

Completion Rate: How many of the enrolled courses you completed.

Overdue Courses: How many of your courses are overdue.

Course Certifications: How many certificates you received.

Under Progress per objective you can see how you are doing in the objectives tied to your training. If it is at zero percent, it means you either didn't start any training tied to that objective, or are not enrolled in it.

Progress per Objective Options

Career Path: Training part of a career path you follow.

Job Skills: Training with skills connected to it.

Onboarding: Training part of an onboarding profile.

Self-development: All training not connected to another objective.

Compliance Training: Compliance training.

In Progress

Here you can find the training you are currently enrolled in. The default view sorts the training per Objective Type, but you can easily change the view in the top-right menu.

You also have the option to filter the training. This makes it easier to find a specific training. Click on the filter button to see the available filters. 

In Progress Filter Options

Type: The type of training (learning path, course, etc)

Connection: Part of a course, part of a learning path, standalone.

Enrollment type: Self-enrolled or assigned.

Preferences: Featured or favorite training.

Objectives: Connected to an objective.

Due dates: When the training is due (soon, today, past-due).

Skills: Training connected to skills.

Categories: The category the training is in.

Grouped Skills: Training connected with grouped skills.

Language: Training in a specific language.


Here you can see all your completed training. The default is sorted by Completion Date, but you can change this in the top-right menu.

You also have the option to filter the training. This makes it easier to find a specific training. Click on the filter button to see the available filters. 

Completed Filter Options

Type: The type of training (learning path, course, etc)

Connection: Part of a course, part of a learning path, standalone.

Enrollment type: Self-enrolled or assigned.

Preferences: Featured or favorite training.

Objectives: Connected to an objective.

Expiration dates: When the certificate / completed training expires (soon, today, expired).

Skills: Training connected to skills.

Category type: Academy categories or external categories.

Categories: The category the training is in.

Language:Training in a specific language

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