Accessing My Assigned Training

In Schoox, you can find all of the training in which you are currently enrolled or that have been assigned to you under one place: the My Training page.

Make sure you are in the Learner Workspace.

On the left, under Training, select My Training.

My Training includes all of the courses, learning paths, instructor led events, and On-the-Job trainings you have either been assigned or to which you've enrolled. 

You will see four tabs:

  • Overview: This is an overview of all your currently assigned training.
  • Enrolled: This shows all training you yourself enrolled in.
  • Assigned: This shows all training that someone else assigned to you.
  • Completed: This shows all training you have completed.

You can navigate your training by looking through the different lists. Each training will show a picture, whether you are enrolled, whether it is required, what kind of training it is, your current progress, and the due date. Hovering over a training gives you the option to select Quick View, which gives you more information and lets you go to the training or learning path it is connected to. 


Under Courses, Learning Paths and Events, you have the option to filter the training. Click on the filter button to see the available filters.


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