New Schoox User Experience — FAQs

What is the new Schoox user experience?

Schoox is building on our legacy of industry firsts by unveiling the next generation of our people-first learning platform. This latest innovation advances the platform with workspaces to streamline navigation, a reimagined learner experience, immersive course experiences, AI-powered skills development, and a host of other exciting features designed to empower learners of all backgrounds.

Why is Schoox introducing the new user experience in phases? 

To ensure a smooth transition, Schoox is employing an evolutionary approach to user experience innovation by gradually introducing new features and enhancements to our platform for our 20 million+ global learners. These current advancements mark the first milestone in Schoox's planned platform evolution.  

What can we expect in future phases? When can we expect future releases?

Major innovations such as the UI modernization of additional workspaces will be released to customers on a monthly basis, with smaller updates happening more frequently - you can refer to this article for weekly product updates and bug fixes. Many new features are already under development and promise exciting strides in AI-powered microlearning content creation, enhanced gamification, as well as a new mobile application.

As an admin, why do I have to switch workspaces to do certain activities? 

Workspaces are designed to streamline your workflow and help you zero in on specific tasks. Imagine you log in with a single goal in mind. Workspaces make it easy to navigate directly to the relevant section of the platform with the tools and information you need to complete that task, all in one place. By organizing content into workspaces, we eliminate clutter and distractions. This ensures only the essential information is front and center, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—completing your task efficiently.

Why did you split homepages by workspace? 

We've revamped the learning experience by integrating the most popular features from the homepage directly into dedicated workspaces. This means learners will have access to two key areas:

  • Learner Workspace: This is your personal hub for all things learning. It provides easy access to all the materials, tools, and functionalities you need to complete your assigned courses and track your progress. Relevant gadgets are strategically placed alongside related content, keeping everything you need within reach for a focused learning experience.
  • Social Workspace (Optional): If your organization uses social learning or gamification features, the social workspace button will be visible. This dedicated space allows you to connect with colleagues in groups, share insights, and participate in discussions related to your learning.

Furthermore, we've introduced the ability to add shortcuts to the right-hand panel of each workspace. The shortcuts allow you to create quick access points for frequently used tasks based on the user's role and permissions, effectively replacing the need for certain individual homepage gadgets or the Tools Menu that was available for admins in the legacy system. Administrators can choose the default shortcuts that show up in the Academy settings, with users having the option to fine-tune the order to fit their own needs in their personal settings. Learn more about how gadgets have been reorganized in the new system in this article.

Why are settings and notifications split into different workspaces? 

The previous admin navigation menu was lengthy and packed with options, making it difficult to find specific settings quickly. We listened to your feedback and streamlined your experience by organizing functionality into logical workspaces. Now, you can easily locate the setting or notification you need because it's grouped with related tasks within the relevant workspace.

Will my data (users, course progress, etc) be the same in both experiences?

Seamless Transition with a Single Database

We're making your transition to the new Schoox experience smoother by using a single database for both the new and legacy versions. This means you'll benefit from several advantages:

  • Consistent Data: All your existing data, including uploaded courses, reports, and integrations, will automatically be available in the new experience. There's no need to worry about transferring information or re-uploading content. The only exception to this is certain branding elements (like the academy logo in the new experience is different dimensions than the logo in the legacy experience. Learn more about branding your academy). 
  • No Re-implementation Hassle: Since we're using a single database, you won't need to go through a complex "re-implementation" process for your integrations. This saves you time and ensures your existing tools continue to work seamlessly.

By leveraging a single database, we're simplifying the transition and ensuring your valuable data remains readily accessible in the new and improved Schoox experience.

If we have custom labels set, will they appear in the new experience?

Yes. We have made some terminology changes with the new user experience to align with industry standards and familiar language. But if you utilize custom labels in your academy, those will remain unchanged in the new user experience. Learn more about replacing academy labels.

Will I need to do anything to make adjustments to my branding? 

The new experience introduces a refreshed look and feel. This includes:

  • Updated Branding Elements: We've updated dimensions for visuals like logos and banners, and introduced new icons that better suit the modern and intuitive design of the new experience. Learn more about customizing your academy’s branding.
  • Customizable Illustrations (Coming Soon): Excitingly, you'll gain the ability to further personalize your Schoox experience by customizing the illustrations you see within the platform.

This visual refresh enhances the overall user experience by creating a cohesive and visually appealing environment for learning and development.

When will the new UI be rolled out to learners? 

Academy administrators will get access to the new experience first so that they can get familiar with it and plan their rollout to learners. Once activated with the appropriate setting, admins will be able to give their managers and learners access to the new experience. They can choose to make it a requirement for all users or give users the option to toggle back and forth between new and legacy user experiences. 

What help resources are available to help me get comfortable with the new user experience? 

We understand that adjusting to a new interface can take some time. To ensure a smooth transition, we're providing a variety of resources to help you get comfortable with the new Schoox experience:

  • Updated Knowledge Base: We've revamped our Knowledge Base with a focus on the new user experience. You'll find a comprehensive collection of articles (600 included) that walk you through workflows and how-to's, all reflecting the new navigation and interface.
  • In-app Guides: Need quick help within the platform? Look for the in-app guides with the help button! These offer step-by-step instructions to guide you to specific information or actions you need to take.
  • Enhanced Search Functionality: The in-app help button now allows you to search both Knowledge Base articles and in-app guides, providing real-time support directly within Schoox.
  • Job Aids & Training: We've developed job aid templates, which are customizable templates you can use for end-user communication and training. These can be adapted for learners, managers, or admins, depending on your needs. Additionally, training webinars with product experts will be offered during onboarding and throughout the transition period.

We encourage you to explore these resources as you navigate the new Schoox experience. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.


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