Navigating your Streams and Gadgets

When you access a page in the Academy you will find all information related to it ordered within both streams and gadgets.


Streams can be navigated from left to right and are in a set location on the page. 

For example, under My Training you will find streams such as Training in Progress and Self enrolled. By clicking on the arrows on the top-right of the feed, you can browse through them. Streams give information relevant to the specific title.


Gadgets are static, and you can reorder them on your page.

For example, on the Social Workspace you can find gadgets such as Announcements, My Team's Quick Dashboard, Trainer's pending On-the-Job Training and the calendar. These are static and you cannot scroll through them, but have updated information for a quick overview.

To change the order of how the gadgets appear, you can click on them in the grey bar and move them to the desired location.

Sidebar Gadgets

If you want to quickly go to a commonly used page, you can use the Shortcuts in the right panel - if your admin has these set up. You can go to the following article to learn how to organize those: Organizing Your Shortcuts

Old versus new

Did you come from the old design and do you want to know where exactly on which page you can find the same options of the gadgets that used to be on your homepage, and whether they're a stream or a gadget? Check out Finding your Gadgets

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