Groups Notifications

As an Admin, you are able to review, edit, and disable the notifications sent for various actions throughout the Academy.

In the left navigation, make sure you are in the Academy Workspace.

When in the Academy Workspace, select Academy Admin for all Academy Administration options. 

Select Notifications and then Academy.

Groups notifications are found under the Groups tab.

In the table below, you'll find information on each notification.

Please note: You can preview every notification, but not all notifications are editable. Check the table for more information. Moreover, you can filter the users based on job and location and send the notifications to specific recipients only.

Notification Default Recipient Purpose Editable / In-app
You have been invited to join a group Group members To invite the recipient to join a specific group. Yes / Yes
New request to join a group Selected recipient To inform the Group owner that a user has requested to join the group. The email includes a link for the Group owner to accept or decline the request. Yes / No
New content has been shared with your group Group owner To inform the Group members that someone has shared new content with the group. Yes / No
A new member joined your group Group owner To inform the Group owner that a user has joined the group. Yes / No
[Admin] has registered you to a group Selected recipient To inform the user that he/she was added to a Group by an Admin Yes / No
New comment on your group wall post Post Creator, Group Admin To inform the User/Admin that someone commented on the post Yes / Yes
New comment on a group wall post you are involved Involved Users, Group Admin To inform the User/Admin that someone commented on a post that he/she is involved — Note: This is also a personal setting: “Someone comments on a wall post you’re involved” Yes / Yes
Someone starts a new discussion Group members To inform the Group members that someone started a new discussion — Note: This is also a personal setting: “Someone starts a new discussion” Yes / Yes
Someone comments on a discussion thread Group members To inform the Group Members that a new comment was posted to the discussion board —  Note: This is also a personal setting: “Someone comments on a discussion thread” Yes / Yes
Someone replies to any of your comment Commentator, Group Admins To inform the Commentator/Admin that someone replied back to the comment  —  Note: This is also a personal setting: “Someone replies to any of your comments” Yes / Yes
New comment on group Resources Content User who added the content To inform the user that someone has commented on the Content they uploaded in the Group Yes / No
New post on group wall Group members To inform the Group Members that a new post was added to the Group Wall Yes / Yes
New Group Wall Post Request Group Admins To inform the group admin that a user added a post to a group wall No / No
Status Change in Group Wall Post Request Employee who posted to the wall To inform the user that his/her post was approved/declined No / No

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