As an Academy Admin, you have the ability to assign skills to your academy's members through the mobile application. The skills you assign to your Academy Members will be marked as Required Skills for these users.
To Assign Skills via the mobile application, simply select Admin on the main navigation menu and then hit on Assign Skills.
On the next page, you can either select individual users to assign skills or you can use the filtering menu on the top to select multiple users, based on their common organizational structure.
Individual Assign
Select the desired users and click Next.
Advanced Assign
By selecting the filtering option on the top you can assign skills to multiple users, according to their organizational structure. Select the Job, the Above Units, or/ and Units needed, and click on Apply once you are finished with your selections.
Assign Skills
As soon as you have selected the desired users you can select which skills you need to assign them. You can search for the needed skill or filter by industry, category, or type.
To see any details available for each skill, just click on the "information" icon next to it.
You can select to assign multiple skills by clicking the checkbox next to each skill and then hitting on Review.
You also have the ability to assign a group of skills. To do so, select the Grouped Skills tab, click on the arrow of the selected group, and either check the top checkbox if you want to select all group's skills or each skills' checkbox if you want to assign specific skills.
After hitting Review, you will be able to see an overview of the users and the skills that are going to be assigned.
Click on the Assign when finished!