Skills, Assessments, and Career Paths

Skills can be a powerful tool to track learning progress. They help learners and managers get an overview of the current skills learners have, their progress in these skills, and even can be set up so that the learner gets recommended courses based on specific jobs.

This guide gives a quick overview of how to set up metrics and what can be done with them, linking to the relevant articles that dig deeper into these settings.

Adding Skills

The first steps towards working with skill is enabling the use of them, and then adding the skills to the academy.

Schoox has a database of system-defined skills for you to choose from. These system-defined skills already come with a name and description, as well as a type and category. You can also define your own skills. If you decide to define your own, we recommend you make sure that the name and description give a good overview of their goal.

You can group multiple related skills together to make it easier to later find and assign them to learners or connect (map) them to training.

Enabling Skills in Your Academy

Adding Skills to Your Academy

Assigning and Assessing Skills

When you have enabled skills and added them to your academy, you can assign them to learners. This will make this skill required for this learner, making it easier to find it under the Required Skills tab when performing assessments. The score given by the manager assessment will show the progress of the learner on these skills; if self assessments are allowed, you can also see the perception gap, showing the difference on how the learner rates themselves versus how their manager rates them.

Learners will be able to see the required assessments, and if enabled, perform self-assessments on them under their skills dashboard.

When in the Learner Workspace, select Development -> Skills.

Assigning Skills

Unassigning Skills

Performing an Assessment as a Manager

Requesting Performance Skill Assessments

Tracking Assessment Requests

Tracking Assessments by Employee, Job, and Skills

Tracking Skills Personal Assessments and Progress

Completing the Self Assessment as a Regular User

Understanding the Perception Gap

Self-assessments and Perception Gap

Connecting Skills

You might prefer that skills get automatically assessed by the activities the learner completes. This is possible by connecting the skills to courses and On-the-Job Training. Specifically, the metrics need to be added to the exams and tasks within those. When a learner completes the exam questions with a connected skill, or the tasks in an On-the-Job Training with a connected metric, the learner will be graded on them.

You can decide how much weight is given to the automated assessments versus the manual assessment for a specific metric.

Skills can also be connected to jobs. This way, you can see how well the learner is doing on skills specific to their job - and courses can be recommended based on these skills. Skills connected to jobs also are used in creating career paths.

Connect Skills with Courses 

Connecting Skills to On-the-Job Training

Prioritizing Automated vs Manual Assessments

Connect Skills with Jobs

Career Paths

Career paths can be enabled in your academy to generate a recommended list of courses based on the skills connected to a job. When you have skills both connected to courses and jobs, this can be a powerful way to help learners train the required skills for future roles in your company.

Adjusting Career Path Settings

Viewing and Following Career Paths

Artificial Intelligence

Schoox gives you the option to get suggested AI-recommendations for skills in your academy. Currently this option is only available by request.

Connecting or Mapping Skills Using Artifical Intelligence (AI)



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